These two Youtubes are of Jeremy, a Korean wwooofer, learning to ride here. I taught him so much horse stuff because he was SUCH a hard worker that I had to find extra things to do for him to make our exchange equitable. WWOOF = Willing Workers On Organic Farms.
I have just released two new Youtube lessons – freebies that revolutionise the way beginner riders learn to ride, that will also give advanced riders a very different perspective of what it takes to have a strong, safe, incredibly magnetic butt on their horse.
I teach the first steps in learning to ride OFF the horse. The sense of confidence that people feel when they already have a strong, safe, magnetic butt on their horse BEFORE they go anywhere near their horse is HUGE. Enjoy this short Youtube of Jeremy learning this magnetic butt on the vaulting horse in our old hay shed. In Fast Track to Brilliant Riding I teach this in your chair at the computer.
This second Youtube is slanted towards beginner riders, but you advanced riders can go back and release old tensions that get in the way of being a brilliant rider, tensions that were usually programmed in us by the way we were taught to ride and then you can RE-progam this beautiful strong, safe, magnetic butt on your horse. Enjoy watching this beginner rider lay in a foundation for riding that will bring him happiness From His Horse’s Heart.
Barbara Tilson says
I loved these two videos! I wish I had been started like this. I have a lot of re-programming to do. : )
Jenny says
You and me both Barbara… you and me both…
Sabina says
What synchronicity…i was on a tiny step by step ride with my once hyper vgilant and now much healed horse-companion “Cocoa” when I thought, “i am sitting deeply rooted into my seat, and felt so grounded in the saddle and felt a transfer of energy and confidnet unity with Cocoa in the flash of that thougt/experience. Cocoa did lots of relaxing sounds and after our ride she rolled happily in the mud…(that is a rare occassion for her, as head mare!)
When i opened my emails there was Jenny’s “Magnetic Butt” lesson! I thought…yes, that was what i experienced just hours earlier!
Watching the video was wonderful,especially the part when the rider smiles and it is is pointed out to be a way of strengthening the magnet!
Beautiful to behold and even more so to experience!
thank you for th einsight and inspiration!
Jenny says
Well Sabina – that’s because you have been such a great student of your horse!
Candace Costis says
Those two videos where really wonderful. I am astonished. Bravo!
Jenny says
I am glad that you enjoyed them Candace. They were exciting to produce and Jeremy had a ball too at the thought of being a Youtube star!