Well… HEAPS as it turns out!
Einstein said “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid.”
Think about it – if you judge yourself by someone ELSE’s natural abilities and talents, you too risk believing that you are not good enough – even stupid.
We’re about helping you to discover and unfold YOUR OWN natural strengths and talentsand YOUR OWN gifts.
Here is the 4th lesson in this series. If you haven’t seen the first three lessons in this series yet, you can catch them at these links:
Lesson 1 How to be a stand out riding student This lesson is the introduction lesson, the context for the other lessons.
Lesson 2 Ahhh horses and that feeling of not being good enough This is where you can come back and read about how the different teachers here experience their sense of feel.
Lesson 3 Your own unique feel is your capacity for brilliance This is the audio lesson for you to get comfortable with how you experience your OWN unique feel for your horse.
The Cameo program doesn’t exist any more, that’s been expanded to the 20 lesson set Foundation for Riding Excellence. You’ll find all those programs I talked about on our Training Program page
Again… please! 🙂 Please leave a comment at the bottom of this article and share it with your horsey friends. I am up for leaving the world a better place and I am already hearing how this series is changing lives. So let’s see how many more people we can rightly help to feel good!
If you ever need support , I think we have gathered the best group of women on the planet. I just love them to bits and they are where I go when I need support to do something faster than I would be otherwise.
You can remind yourself about their unique ways of feeling for their horses at this link. You can choose any one of the staff here for a private session with or without buying into one of our programs.
Each member of our team is available as support for you to mix and match to help you get confidence in and create your own foundation of feel and connection for your horse. We all focus on you and your horse’s mental, emotional and physical feelings of well being as a priority, so you might like to choose someone who resonates with the type of feel that you have been discovering.
You will find that every “problem” we help you solve, will improve your own skills because of the empowering way that we help you to recognize and use your own natural talent.
Private sessions can take many forms – We can work with you by phone or Skype or video or email, stepping you easily through the technology to make that easy and effective – or even live, if you can get to one of us.
When you are secure in your own ability, or even while you are working on developing that ability, you can take this knowledge back to your own special teacher or even the best trainers and teachers in the world and get the real benefit of working with them – from your own strength rather than lack.
And then watch yourself fly…
You can see how you might work with our excellent support staff at this page.
In addition to our excellent support staff, there are also on-line programs that you can start at any time. You’ll find those on this Training Page
Hi Jenny,
Enjoyed the four lesson mini clinic. Day three quiet mind exercise was a helpful refresher to remind me not to take shortcuts and just be thinking that I am listening inside myself. Thank you for doing this. Oh, and now I am looking forward to the upcoming clinic.
Very cool Kathy – see you there when I finished getting it organized!