Who would have thought that horses would have such a big part to play in helping us navigate the world as it is right now – to find our way through a minefield of misinformation and political spin, to figure out what’s best for us and how to support our loved ones, how to achieve what we’re so passionate about and how to deliberately manifest the kind of world that we want to live in?
Oh, you’ve been in despair? You’ve been feeling helpless with all this crappy stuff going on? I have some heart warming news for you!
The same Feel for our horses that brings such beautiful results is the same Feel that brings a whole range of ways of making life ease-ier. Life with ease and grace, I love it!
When people of good will pull together with open hearts, with the willingness and then the ability to understand the big picture, the multiplication effect of a group means there isn’t anything we can’t achieve.
Forming a sisterhood of spiritual warriors guided through the heart of The Horse. OMG I’ve got goosebumps even writing this.
We were BORN for this.
We were BORN for this time – to step up and create the world we want to live in.
It seems to me that we horse people have been preparing for this time on earth for years. Horses have taught us how to deal with our fear, our anger, our frustration, our sadness and our grief. They’ve been helping us to step into our natural strength and power by learning how to listen deeply for what’s REALLY going on, by helping us to find the Truth behind “bad” behavior and the Truth behind what seems like crappy circumstances but so often turns out to be a blessing when we can look with clear and open eyes.
Recognizing and using our Feel for our horses has been showing us how to use our natural connection to others in an ease-ey way, that enables us to see where other people are coming from, how best to deal with them and what way we can support others for their perfect outcome and ours.
Horses have been showing us how to be Present in such deep ways that we cut through the old crap of our lives and see the blessing THAT is too – how the crap has perfectly positioned us for this time in the world.
Feel for our horses has shown those of us who disconnected or numbed out because of trauma, how to come back to our connection with others and find the relief and joy that comes with that.
Feel for our horses has shown ultra sensitive people how to find their peacefulness and how to use that sensitivity as the gift to the world that it really is.
Feel for our horses has shown us how to use our inner guidance system to play our own unique perfect part in all the threads that will create the kind of world we want to live in.
Feel is a fairy wand to make everything right.
When I was a little girl I imagined having a fairy wand that would fix everything, give anything, help everyone, make everything right.
This vision …. it’s beyond a vision because I can SEE it … this sisterhood of spiritual warriors is about turning that fairy wand into a practical reality. It’s about using our inner guidance system that the horses have been bringing us through developing our Feel for them – and using that to systematically guide us to OUR part, which is the thread/s WE’RE meant to bring to creating the world we want to live in.
That’s the big deal right there folks. Each of us is meant to play OUR unique part in creating the world that we want to live in. Expanding our Feel for our horses into the rest of our lives gives us the precise tool to figure out what that action is. I no longer have to carry the world on my shoulders. I don’t have to worry and figure out how to change the world, I just have to follow my inner guidance to the part that… I… play in bringing forth this brave new world.
We were BORN for this.
Today’s photo is two brumbies playing from Sandra Hagan, photo taken in outback Queensland.
Watch this space for how this Sisterhood might unfold!
Awesome idea Jenny. Overwhelmed me with so much emotion that I cried. Looking forward to hearing more.
How lovely Cathy!
Very curious about this idea of universal sisterhood of horsewomen. Somehow I can’t wrap my head around being a warrior. Sluaghhadáin perhaps? The spiritual and sisterhood I like, and can see myself being a part of this aggregate. Will follow the Blog to find out more.
I looked up Sluaghhadáin and could only find “little raider” Is that what you mean?