Here's two good reasons to think about an alternative to spraying your thistles. I knew that thistles were great for detoxing and I …
The features of a good horse trailer
Between teaching for 28 years now and earning my living trailer training at one time, mannn I came across some trailers whose design was not …
Ask me a question
You can ask about all sorts of training and riding issues, all kinds of horse and human health problems and problematic horse behaviors and …
To Boots with love and yes he’s gone…
There were no ropes or anything for Mel to lay him down in the photo above (taken 20 years ago), just a gentle supporting of the head as she …
To Boots with love…
A few weeks before Boots was born, my friend Enza rang me about a disturbing dream she'd had the night before. She'd dreamed that there was …
Celebrate World Bitless Horse day with prizes galore
The best bitless bridle in the world and the best horse program to go with it... ... and they're both prizes to be won just by entering in …
Don’t worm a wormy horse on the full moon!
Brumbies in the Snowies by Michelle J Photography - you can see a lot more of these glorious creatures in our Horse Angel Cards - click on …
May’s free seminar – the healing in a beautiful butt
Did that make you smile? Oh mannn... we surely can get a beautiful feeling butt! May's free seminar is super advanced sports psychology …
Look what I found!
I found a small treasure trove of first editions of Bobby's Diaries that got "lost" in our move to Rokeby. These are a serious …
When excitement sabotages ourselves and our horse
How many times around horses and everywhere else in life, have you heard the expression "Face your fear and do it anyway"? I shake my head …