Did that make you smile? Oh mannn… we surely can get a beautiful feeling butt! May’s free seminar is super advanced sports psychology meets leading edge physical therapy, meets healing – it’s for horse riders, people who have to spend too long sitting in a chair and those with back problems who’d like some relief.
Mary was raving – she had just ridden her horse for the first time after a session with me on Horseconscious and discovered that the breakthroughs she had made – in her chair and seventeen thousand kilometres away from me – were effortlessly translated into a breakthrough in the saddle too. Effortlessly. She raved to Mark that it was “light years ahead of traditional riding instruction.”
Kristine Nesbitt, a double world reining champion said that what she got from one session was bigger than her world championship (if you’ve never heard it before, you can listen to that jaw dropping interview here. ) She was in a chair 14,000 kilometers away when we worked together. She cleaned up a stuck spot in her riding seat that had been causing problems for months, but bigger than that, she resolved a life long confidence issue. I’m thinking that most of you will be gobsmacked at what she says.
A beginner’s riding seat was so good that after her very first trail ride she said “My seat was still glued in and my body naturally flowed with her and we stayed together. This was my very first shy on any horse.”
That beautiful riding seat can be yours, wherever you are in the world too and you can start with this free live seminar.
Non riders
Non riders can reduce and even clean up back pain and vast amounts of people who have to spend too much time sitting in a chair, can turn that into a healing opportunity – with the same work that we’re doing on this next free live seminar.
7am Sunday 7th May Melbourne time
Saturday evening for the USA, UK, Europe and Canada.
If you’ve already registered to get notified of our free monthly seminars, then save the date and you’ll get the connection details by email in the next day or so.
Or register to get those connection details with our dummy spit anti-struggling revolution:
I’d love your help please
The free seminars of our “dummy spit anti-struggling revolution” are a vehicle for getting this life changing happiness and healing work out into the world.
I’d love your help for many more people to realize just how darned easy this happiness and healing can be – maybe post this email to the admin in your facebook groups or post it to chat sites, share it with people that you follow who might enjoy their followers getting an effortlessly lovely riding seat or send the email to friends and family who spend too much time sitting in a chair or who have back pain.
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