Waaaaay back I had a working student arrive with a just caught wild horse. Unbeknownst to me, she wormed him on day 1 and we spent the next day and a half fighting for his life, using every trick in my alternative therapy arsenal to stop the internal bleeding that happened as so many worms were killed off so suddenly. We saved him, but crikey it was touch and go there for a while.
The full moon is a brilliant time to get the best results from your worming – provided the horse isn’t already under serious stress from them.
If you suspect the horse is wormy, you can reduce a worm burden before you do a chemical worming. My personal favorites are garlic in a jar from the supermarket, diatomaceous earth and homeopathics that I make myself.
Adding seaweed doesn’t kill the worms but I’ve seen it increase the horses health in such a way that we’ve seen large number of worms appear in the manure directly afterwards. And yes, like all methods that don’t actually kill worms, you would want to be picking that manure up and disposing of it!
Google other alternative methods – there’s heaps of them out there, like thyme, peppermint, clevers, chamomile and more. Actually I’ve got thyme and peppermint in the garden, I might give that a go this full moon!
And yes, even though I’m quite radically alternative and graze my horses much more holistically in much larger areas than most people, I do a chemical worming every now and again.
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