I’ve been talking a lot about miracles lately, but I’m not talking about airy fairy things. Miracles are just something that hasn’t happened yet. You know me by now, no matter if it’s never been done before – it’s PRACTICAL stuff that we do here. It’s simple really – when we do it differently, then we get different results – and people call those “miracles” simply because they haven’t happened before.
It’s a miracle when a horse says “Oh my god you GET Me”, when they feel deeply heard and comfortable that they matter and that their feelings matter – and then drop so much stress and tension that their body heals from something modern medicine thinks is difficult or even impossible.
It’s a miracle when the scales fall from a person’s eyes and they find the wisdom or feel and understand the impact of an old trauma or a mistaken belief on their mind body and spirit and then they too drop so much stress and tension that their body heals from something that modern medicine thinks if difficult or even impossible.
It’s a miracle when we understand our connection to others so deeply, when our hearts are wide open, when we feel our connection to everyone and everything around us in such a powerful way that it ripples outwards and changes others’ behavior miraculously.
It’s a miracle when we know all the way to our own bones how the universe works and use that to reverse physical damage – even to reverse aging – to resolve conflict, to problem solve in ways that knock your socks off.
Do you GET it?
Miracles are just something we haven’t experienced yet, because we haven’t understood or been working with the LITERAL and PRACTICAL power that is available to us to create them.
And oh my god horses with their huge open hearts are the perfect vehicle to bring us that learning.
The Paradox
A paradox is something that appears contradictory but isn’t really. To say “everything happens for a reason” is to insult those who are suffering. And yet when we find the “rightness” behind even the wrongest and ghastliest of wrongnesses, then there’s an energy that we access that creates miracles. It creates miracles of healing. It creates miracles of changing. It creates miracles of manifesting. It’s possibilities are literally LIMITLESS.
There’s three ways here, that you can get that learning right now:
- The next free live, on-line event is 7am Sunday 4th December Melbourne time – Saturday for the USA, UK, Europe and Canada. If your email is registered with me, then you’ll get notified of the connection details automatically. We work with people live, in what we call an amplified field – a gorgeous energy for healing or understanding or conflict resolution or horse stuff – whatever you want to bring to the session.
- Holy shit is that really true? is a book that for the first time integrates manifesting, healing and happiness in an EXPERIENCE. The delivery as a day by day unfolding of gently training our brain to look at things differently. In fact, it’s so gentle that some people don’t even realize the power of it until everything is changing around them. That experience is $25 Holy shit is that really true? I KNOW! Only $25! It’s almost ridiculous.
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