Last month I asked you all what your goals were with your horses – with the incentive of one person winning a copy of Zen Connection with Horses for making the effort to reply to my questions.
And the winner is….
Shona Forbes from St Helens park in New South Wales. Congratulations Shona!
I mused for a while about whether to pick the “best” answer – but how the heck do you do that? Everyone’s answer is a “best” answer – after all – they are OUR goals hey?
So instead, I picked a number in my head and went down the list of emails until I came to that number – totally random…
Shona’s answer to my question “What is your goal with your horse?” was interesting – ” Connection, harmony, healthy balanced relationship.”
My reply to her included “… for me, harmony has so many different aspects – physical from a really good seat that a neutral pelvis gives us – that amazing willingness our horse gives us to flex here and go there in the dance – yeah that’s harmony too. And for me it all started with eliminating every tiny little bit of nerves and anxiety from between us. “
Thanks everyone for a brilliant effort in replying to my quickie survey – great information and VERY much appreciated.
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