You get more support
Right now we’re in the early stages of this life changing program – seeing all the ways that other people can get what I got – looking younger, losing weight effortlessly, healing faster, feeling better. If there’s anything you don’t understand or something unexpected that comes up, let me know – I might have to tweak the program or the way I explain it. I want to know what’s working for you and what isn’t. It’s important to both of us, so don’t be shy, get tapping on that keyboard!
Having emphasized the importance of that feedback, you’ll notice that I sometimes suggest you Google something. This is not a program telling you what to do, what to think or what to believe. This particular program is to re-connect YOUR brain and body with food and for you to MAKE IT YOUR OWN. I’m giving you a Ferrari with this program – and you want the fun of driving it yourself!
We’re all unique
Some of you will have food that has been the sole cause of disconnection or blurring of messages between the brain and the body. For some people it will have been caused by a systematic ignoring and suppression of our emotions and the other feelings of what I call our Inner Guidance system that I’ve talked about in the pages that came with our last email. For others it could be exposure to a toxin, or a hormone disruption from chemicals. It could even be an accident or a trauma that caused that disconnect. We could even have a little bit of all those things in the mix. It’s called LIFE. Can you feel me smiling?
ALL of that is changeable when you attend to the things in these coming pages.
So don’t make this complicated
If you choose to read on straight away and click the next link, you’re getting a list of things that can contribute to our body-brain disconnect. You can pay attention to as little or as much of these things as you want to and you can do it when you’re ready. If you want to just focus on the food side, then go for it.
We’re here for emotional support should you ever need it. If you want to find the ease of inner peace and happiness and healing while you do the food thing, then read on, you’re in the right place!
Our free seminars
We have free seminars that happen pretty much monthly where I work with someone live on their real life issue. We also do some group healing and usually expand our knowledge about all kinds of things – horses, other animals, personal growth, healing. They’re usually quite interactive sessions, you can send in or ask questions, or suggest topics you’d like to hear about. It’s interesting how, no matter what the subject, there’s always happiness and healing with our Inner Guidance system in there as the foundation of everything else. Those free seminars are for community building, so please share them around.
Being in this Body Stuff program will mean you’ll get an email when one of those seminars is coming up. If you want to save the date for the next one ahead of time and see what the subject is, you’ll find “The Dummy Spit Anti-Struggling Revolution” at this link. And as I said, I’d love it if you’d share the upcoming seminars around.