Our emotions and other feelings can contribute or even cause a body-brain disconnect.
Thanks to my wonderful horses, I came to understand all the different ways that I feel my feelings, what they mean, how to find ease with them and use them as the Inner Guidance system that they are. Most especially I now understand how I experience my connection to others and how to use that for my benefit and theirs. EVERYone experiences their own Inner Guidance system uniquely and have been doing it all their lives, but most of us were doing that unconsciously. I LOVE that I am aware of that now and can use it for inner peace and happiness and all kinds of other wonderful things.
Our stomachs are a second brain and sometimes our digestion is affected by all our pent up, stuck and blocked feelings that we’ve stuffed down into our bodies. Understanding that and clearing it up is simple once we know how. We’ve got freebies all over this website about the five ways of feeling and understanding how we can find relief from anxiety and fear and anger and frustration and guilt – even trauma – get rid of its adverse effect on our bodies and replace it with inner peace and happiness.
Here’s just some of that free stuff:
A free seminar for understanding fear and eliminating anxiety
A free seminar for feeling good while we solve problems
Free lesson – watch someone use those Five Feels with a terrified wild horse.
NOT FREE – The emailbook “Holy shit is that REALLY true?” Which used to be called “I wish you Happiness” – there’s a whole story there in that name change! This is the most comprehensive explanation of our feelings ever written and includes an experiential style of learning delivered by email, that will help you find your own truth and inner peace and at the same time start to recognize the power that we have to change what happens within us and around us. This is a foundation book that you can use for anything else.
The reiki grid healing meditation Relax about the word meditation. There are many different levels of meditation from a simple quietening of minds that happens when we look up at the breeze moving the leaves in a tree or sit quietly with a horse or other animal – all the way to the bliss stuff. Download this Quiet Mind with its powerful healing energy and use it as often as you like. I’ve had people with serious illness and serious pain get great relief and sometimes “fix stuff” from doing this meditation daily.
Does sunshine really deserve it’s bad rep? A short discussion on the importance of Vitamin D to mood, health and vitality. This is an excerpt from “Holy Shit is that REALLY true?”
Toxins -We can vibrate to anything.
We CAN vibrate to anything, including toxins. But while we’re on the way to superwoman or superman status though, reducing our toxin load can support our bodies to healing and general vitality and well being.
I had long ago reduced my chemical exposure by predominantly having a chemical free house – using vinegar, simple detergent and bi-carb as cleaning products. If you’re interested in saving a ton of money and improving your health without getting paranoid about it, then take action. This little program isn’t about me spoon feeding you – google what interests you. 🙂
A hair dresser pointed out a year ago that I was making my hair oily by washing it every day and she was right. Instead of expensive paraben free shampoos, I rinse my hair with water unless I’ve been doing something particularly grubby. It took a few weeks, but it is no longer oily, glows with good health and doesn’t get tangled as easily either.
We’re lucky enough to be able to both grow and buy organic vegetables here, but your own brain to body connection and taste buds are going to tell you what’s to wash and eat and what isn’t, in your own unique circumstances. I’m not paranoid about it, we can vibrate to anything.
Read on…
Click here when you’re ready for the next bit – preparing our digestive system for the magic to come.