Sunshine is how we manufacture Vitamin D and Vitamin D is essential for those of us who want to happy dance. It’s also essential for absorbing calcium, developing children’s (and animal’s) bones and boosting the immune system. It’s anti-inflammatory (which means it will benefit everything from dementia to alzheimers to ar*thritis to metabolic syndrome to cancer) and it’s effect on the brain and general vitality has been well documented.
LACK of Vitamin D causes depression and a general lack of vitality among a host of other problems.
Now pay gentle attention to this folks… People cope with different amounts of sunshine. So like everything else, don’t get hooked on my beliefs or anyone else’s – whether it’s about the sunshine itself or Vitamin D supplements or the right foods for you that contain Vitamin D.
It’s MY thing to lift my face to the sun at those early and late times of the day and celebrate and appreciate her life giving light and warmth. But what’s YOURS?
Click on the photo below for a list of foods high in Vitamin D.
Today’s photo of her own lovely horse is from Marie Richards of New Zealand, and yes you can probably cope with more sun than this dawn photo. 🙂