We talked a while back about how vast amounts of what we believe is untrue and that … (can you see me shrugging?) that’s OK because beliefs are a part of creating our reality and our life experience. Even untrue beliefs are just a part of life.
Beliefs become something we want to change when they’re responsible for us struggling round and round at the same change place and not creating or changing what we care about.
We’re into doing things easier and faster, so let’s go have an experience with the truth that will make this change place easy and get this happiness bubbling!
You know the drill by now, read the following words slowly and with feeeeeling…
Paying gentle attention to your outward breath and the way that your ribs just squash the air from your lungs and you’re not doing that on purpose, you’re just noticing the movement of your ribs.
For another breath…
and another…
Find that gentle smiling feeling and feel the changes that happen in your body as you drop into that smile.
For another breath …
and another…
You’ve got the Magic Questions tucked into the back of your mind “Whose feeling is it and what do you need to know or do about it?” so that when any feelings come up, you’re just aware of them and curious about them, open to the idea that they might not even be your feelings.
And another breath…
and another…
Smiling a little at that outward breath still, knowing that some of those feelings will be irrelevant now and that curiosity about them will either release them or bring the message to you.
Smiling a little and breathing…
and another breath…
and another…
Let’s look at willingness this time.
Picture this thing in your mind that you care about creating or changing. Are you willing to notice the truth that will make this change place easy?
Smiling a little and breathing. Are you willing to know the truth that will make it easy to create or change this thing? Don’t worry about trying to figure out what this truth is, it will come to you without any effort on your part. It’s the willingness feeling that we’re looking for here. Are you willing to notice this truth?
Feel what your answer feels like…
Noticing all the feelings that you’re experiencing as you explore your willingness – or not – to know this truth that will make it easy to create or change this thing that you care about. The “not willing” is just as important to notice as the “willing”. “Not willing” has its own message for us to understand. There’s no right or wrong here.
Still smiling a little with an outward breath…
and another breath…
and another…
Smiling a little and breathing, not worrying about what that truth is, just willing or not willing to know that truth.
and another breath…
and another…
Keeping your gentle smiley attention on your outward breath, noticing and curious about all the feelings that come up as we make this change place easy.
and another breath…
and another…
When you’ve found curiosity about all the feelings that have come up, allow your body to process the changes, walk it in slowly, flexing your feet through the full range of motion, feeling the being’ness of the earth underneath your feet. Drink lots of water. And appreciate the heck out of what’s just happened, the truth that’s to come and this glorious world around us.
Photo: The joy of my herd in a new paddock fits the bubbling happiness brought by willingness to know the truth. The words on the picture “There’s joy in willingness.”

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