If you look around the world – no matter what the illness or condition you’re thinking of, you’ll find someone who’s experienced a miracle. What makes a miracle? And if you’re sick or injured, how do you get your version?
We talked on the previous page about getting curious about what’s going on behind symptoms. When we get curious about the rightness of the way our body is trying to heal itself behind the wrongness of the way we’re experiencing the symptoms, when we find that energy at the heart of what I call The Paradox, then extraordinary stuff happens.
Either healing happens, we notice our guidance on how to support our healing, or we find peace of mind anyway.
Big words, so let’s check it out for ourselves. This time our wonderful experience is built around expanding our knowing of whatever’s going on in our bodies – which includes healing, the ability to increase our vitality and even reverse aging.
You know the drill by now, read the following words slowly and thoughtfully.
Pay gentle attention to your outward breath for a few breaths.
That’s it… feel me smiling and notice your own smile is coming more naturally and easily with your breath. Reading sloooowwww…. and at the same time notice the way that the lower part of your ribs move on that outward breath – the way that the ribs just kind of squash the air from your lungs. And you’re not doing that on purpose, you’re just smiling a little bit and noticing the movement of your ribs for a breath…
and another breath…
and another…
Notice there’s a tiny pause starting to happen at the bottom of the outward breath. You’re not doing that on purpose, just noticing whether the pause is there or not.
still smiling a little for a breath…
and another…
With our attention still gently on our outward breath, expand our noticing to being aware of all the feelings inside ourselves that’s starting to feel familiar.
and another breath…
and another…
You’ve got the Magic Questions tucked in the back of your mind. “Whose feeling is it? What do I need to know or do about it? Has it all gone yet?” There’s no need to think about the questions, there’s just a simple curiosity about whatever feelings. are happening.
We’re aware that vast amounts of old buried stuff is irrelevant now, so there may not be an answer or understanding to get.
We’ve been developing an enthusiasm and a willingness to understand ourselves and others, knowing that our own ability to create something new or change what we care about is made so much easier and smoother by that willingness to understand ourselves and others.
Feeling whatever that willingness feels like, with a breath…
and another breath…
Still smiling a little, allow your attention to wander around your body. Are you curious to know if some of these feelings, some of these symptoms are about knowing or doing something, for or about someone else?
for another breath…
and another…
Are you curious to know if there could possibly be a rightness behind the wrongness of any feelings or symptoms that you may be experiencing?
Smiling a little and noticing what that curiosity feels like, for another breath… Just curiosity, knowing that the curiosity itself is a key to the understanding flowing easily.
And another breath…
and another.
Whether knowing flows now.
Or later, doesn’t matter.
Either the message of the feelings are tickling at your mind already, or we’ve set the knowing in motion. So we can get on with our day. The message, the understanding, the knowing will come when the time is perfect.
Ahhhh and smiling for just another breath…
and another breath…
and another…
When you’ve finished bringing curiosity to everything that you’re feeling, you could do a thoughtful and slow feeling stretch or walk in the changes slowly, feeling the flexion of your feet on the ground, feeling the BEingness of the earth under your feet, even if you’re on a floor. Noticing all the creaks and cracks of bones and joints sliding into place.
I’ve put a link here to the Quiet Mind that goes with my reiki healing grid and you could use that and the beautiful music of Deva Premal and Miten to expand this experience. Please note: it’s free’ness is no indication of its power – people have done phenomenal healing with this meditative Quiet Mind.
I’ve opened comments on this page so you can ask questions and share experiences within our lovely community.
Or bring your beautiful self into a Live Event and put your hand up. There’s a button at the bottom of the reiki page that will bring you back here.
Our photo is the lovely Luna, from Felicity Wischer’s Argento Stud down on the Mornington Peninsula. The sheer joy in her little body drew me for this subject of healing and vitality.

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