Our world… our whole world… can be transformed by the way we deal with conflict and the possibilities are head shakingly infinite and powerful and glorious. The opportunities in conflict knock my socks off and give me goosebumps on my …. errr … look at the photo.
All jokes aside, even if we can’t see how we have even the remotest possibility of our part in a conflict – when we’re willing to observe our feelings around this conflict, when we’re willing to see where the other person or people are coming from, when we’re curious about what the Big Picture might be,
… then we open up an opportunity to change our world.
And it makes no difference if the other is an asshole.
It makes no difference if the other has done terrible things.
It makes no difference if we think that the other is completely responsible for this conflict.
When we open up to observe our feelings around this conflict, when we’re willing to see where the other person or people are coming from, when we’re curious about what the Big Picture might be,
… then we open up an opportunity to change our world.
The photo: I’ve had this photo of Juno and permission to use it, for over ten years but I can’t remember who sent it to me. Give me a yell if you know. The horse rolling around in the snow seemed a good picture for a bit of lightness of spirit about assholery.