Insights from the first session:
Anna Karin: You’ll remember that she was talking about Jeremiha and his need for control and then we were laughing about our need for control?
Here’s her breakthrough that came after our call:
Hi and Thank you for the start of the clinic.
I am home with our puppy today and have taken some time for meditation.
During the morning I‘be got that I should bring out the saddle for Jeremiha and work with that. He would benefit from working with his brain and get some more self confidence. The lack of self confidence bring out his need of control.
I also got that we should start walking together, and start just outside the paddock.
For me I’ve got that I have some wounds I need to heal or change places, to take care of.
Let go of others’ burden I have been carrying on.
During my life I have absorbed too much energy of fear and limits.
It is time to change view and let the energy of love and possibilities take that place.
I could feel my eyes turn around in my head.
The day after, Anna Karin wrote: I have been sitting in meditation for a while now and I have got that I should feel into every feeling and reactions in my body as I watch and as I am with Jeremiha.
I had some very big releases in feelings and beliefs that are not mine and true to me.
Discussion: Let’s talk about what Anna Karin’s insights mean for our human desire for control – laughing at myself here! Jeremiha isn’t the only one who’s desire for control comes from a lack of confidence hey? And what IS lack of confidence? It’s just another expression for fear, isn’t it? So what do we need to know or do about that, in order to have ourselves BE and feel safe that we access / flow with the power of the universe and don’t even need control?
I sat out near the paddock for a while Tuesday afternoon and noticed a tight/tension right across my back about bra strap level, which was Jake’s but I didn’t get much else (I still feel like I can’t do this 🙉). While watching the recording Tuesday night I resonated with the session you did with Kelly, when I started to feel tension near my right shoulder blade. After watching the demonstration with the ruler simulating the horse lifting its back I recognised I am currently in the throes of trying to fit my saddle better while Jake’s back muscles develop, and the tension went away. Cool.
Then she had a big insight that had nothing to do with horses, that meant she could calmly resolve an issue that she had been raging about. Here’s the thing… both the horse insight and the non horse insight – they’re both as important as each other. Maybe the non horse insight will even have a bigger impact on her horse than the horse insight. Every ahhaa moment like that will make us more centered, bring us more inner peace, more able to hear/feel our horse. SUPER well done Sam. If you were here I’d give you a big high five.
Just letting you know I can’t attend the session tomorrow, it should be the only one I can’t do live.
I did have a possible flash of insight yesterday when I got off the call. You said “fear” when we were talking in the call, it wasn’t until later that I connected that fear to some of my
Thoughts since I have had Daisy. She has some conformation challenges and I have often worried/thought that they may come against her in time, I see now that I could have been projecting these fears to her.
Wow, thanks for that. I wont be doing that anymore, I will only be seeing and thinking of her as whole and perfect
Another high five. Tell them about the worst conformed horse I’ve seen competing and it was competing in endurance. It completed umpteen Quilty’s, umpteen Shazadas, won distance horse of the year many time on the crooked legs and worst conformation I’ve seen in a long time. AND she competed for many many years. I tried to look her up but didn’t have time to troll through the entries.
Chris had a continuation re Goldie
For what it’s worth, just as I awakened this morning there was a rush of sensations on Goldie. It clearly came to me that while she appreciated our focus on her, she was also rather amused by all the fuss and felt clearly in control. Her situation reminded me of what Dr. Strasser calls a “healing crisis”, where toxins that have long accumulated in the hooves are suddenly released into the bloodstream by good barefoot trimming and movement. Wondering if this triggered the appearance of the sarcoid? Goldie herself seemed surprised by some of the emotions/releases she was experiencing, but clearly felt confident in the flow of well-being.
So here’s the thing, Chris stepped into a whole new space of possibility with that insight. We can’t just “think positive” about a sick animal – we have to SEE the rightness and BE positive that whatever outcome is coming, is perfect. There’s quite a difference in outcomes between the two.
When we’re looking for ALL the threads of what’s going on with whatever symptoms or behavior we are observing and because we’re taking notice of all our feelings and we’re open to the idea that some of those feelings will be communication from, or for, or about someone else, we are stepping into the place of BEing positive in the RIGHTNESS of what’s happening and that means creating what other people would call miracles is one of the possibilities. But they aren’t really miracles – they’re just part of the infinite possibilities that are available when we follow our inner guidance system.
We’ll be talking more about this RIGHTNESS behind the WRONGNESS of her symptoms next week.
There’s been other insights but people haven’t had a chance to give me permission to use them.
Notice that what we’re doing is that we’re dealing with each thing AND our feelings about it, as it shows up for us and / or our horse – whether that’s thoughts (even ones that we would think of as negative) or worries, emotions, physical feelings of tension, or pain, or restricted breathing or rapid heartbeat, blocked pent up energy – WHATever…
We ‘re open to noticing all those things – we’re willing to be curious about that it’s telling us, to the message of it. We’re open to noticing whether it’s ours or someone else’s. We’re open to noticing whatever limiting beliefs are in the way of what we’re creating here. We’re open to taking whatever action comes up as perfect.
And THAT’s what makes creating something effortless – things show up that we didn’t even know to create. Miracles happen…
Resources sent out this week
First meditation from Journey to Feel – I sent this out by email but here it is again to have your resources in one place. This is useful for getting into a good place to hear / feel your horse before you go out. And no, once you’ve got the hang of it, you certainly wouldn’t need to be doing that all the time. You’ll find that your awareness of your feelings and what to do about them will flow in the moment with practice.
Reiki grid healing meditation – this is great if you’ve got some sort of specific tension or anger or frustration or pain or pent up energy, pain or discomfort or illness going on. I had one lady use this meditation to pretty much totally recover from chronic back pain. It turned out that what she thought was all about an old injury, wasn’t only an old injury. A lot of what she was experiencing was also her connection with others with physical feelings. Using steady curiosity, getting in the habit of listening to and taking action on her feelings when she was around her horse (she was on Fast Track to Brilliant Riding at the time), combined with doing this meditation daily and she recovered.
Oliver’s lesson on why he didn’t like being touched and what we did about it. For Karin and everyone.
Oliver Diary – the Bravery bucket for Suzanne and everyone. Fear’s cumulative
The Comfort Zone Model from Journey to Feel. I’ve put it here as a refresher for anyone who needs it.
Goldie Update
Goldie wanted hands on healing, so we’ll get started on some of that next week. Like every technique here, we’re not going to allow this or anything else to become a mere technique. Feeling INSIDE ourselves and taking action on ALL of those things – mental, emotional, physical, energy and heart – THESE THINGS are what the miracles are made of.
And I made her a homeopathic out of some mucous that she kind of hawked out when feeding. Again, I’m helping her with a symptom. If I do that without being open to ALL the threads of what’s going on, then the root cause will pop out somewhere else later.
In her case it was only 3 jar changes and 12 succussions per jar. You’ll understand what that means when you watch the video.
Goldie’s breathing was laboured, although her eyes were OK and her appetite was good. I was worried and worry is fear that wants curiosity about and action if any. So I sat with her and felt into everything I was feeling as I was observing that breathing.
I have a series of Bowen moves that will bring relief to the lungs, so I checked the appropriateness of that and did the lung / digestive series. I’ve included the instructions for that here. If you’d like me to talk you through doing a Bowen move on yourself in class, let me know.

Here’s a video showing me doing that move over the xyphoid process on my arm. You can’t really see it when I do it on a horse and it’s always good to practice without the horse first.
You’ll find the Lung / Digestive moves at … minutes and … seconds