Imagine you’re standing at a small table with a deck of playing cards in your hand and you joyfully fling those cards high in the air and watch carefully to see how many actually land on the table.
That small handful of cards that lands on the table is probably the number of things you’ve been told about losing weight that are actually true – for you personally. We’re all unique – so how and why YOUR body is working the way it is and how to change it, will be different to how and why MY body is working like it is and different to how I changed mine.
So ditch everything you’ve ever been told and get ready to find each capital T Truth for YOURself.
A shift in perspective

We’ve been taught or told or we’ve somehow understood that if we don’t conform to the current societal idea of perfection – that there’s something wrong. One of the most profound parts of my life journey has been to realize that every time we make something “wrong”, then there’s something wrong.
Yeah I get the irony in that too.
That’s a photo of Oliver above. He guided my journey to this profound understanding that whenever we think of something as wrong, then that thought itself is wrong. He was born “wrong” – too big for his mother to birth (18 hands now) pulled out harshly, lifted to his feet when he was still “shocky” because it was wrong that he didn’t quickly get to his feet and nurse, he collapsed so that he was walking on fetlocks bent over in the wrong direction – even his body was wrong.
This was a horse who was given to me because the disconnection from his own body looked like arrogance and his occasional, unpredictable and in a split second, sudden melt downs had him running right over the top of you at high speed. The behavior was incredibly dangerous – and of course, “wrong”.
Like you and me with our bodies too, he wasn’t wrong at all. There were good reasons for every behavior, for everything that had happened and was happening and each time we understood what was really going on behind some kind of “wrong” behavior or “problem”, then more and more truth was uncovered that showed us the Truth – this big, brave, gentle giant had a heart as big as a house and a huge desire to help us humans.
Read on…
Click here to read on about how OUR bodies aren’t wrong either – how we are literally walking miracles and how working WITH that instead of AGAINST it – is a LOT more productive. And yes that’s my dry Aussie understatement there!