We are literally walking talking miracles.
Oh? You’re not feeling so miraculous right now? We’ll see what you feel like at the end of this brain body re-set that’s reconnecting your inner guidance system around food.
Let’s have a look at what our bodies already do on auto pilot first – then we’ll have a Feel into the truth or not of the miraculous thing for yourself. Because what I think – or even what I know all the way to my bones – is of no use to you whatsoever when you’re looking at the stuff that’s happening with your own body mind and spirit and in your own life.
Holy shit is that really true?
“Is that really true?” is a VERY important question to ask ourselves, whether we use the “holy shit” emphasis or not.
1. We have a system that creates new cells on auto pilot. How brilliant is that? When we have a great big hole in our flesh from a wound, even when we snap a bone – the cells reach across the chasm, creating a bridge to the other side and voila! the wound is healed, the bone is mended. AND that wondrous joining tissue – the scars – are stronger than the original and that’s just one example of the way we create and use new cells.
Pause right here and have a think about it. Is it really true that we don’t want to turn off our body’s ability to create new cells – even if, for example, we have a tumor or when our body is laying in the extra bone that when it hurts is called arthritis or when our body is filling up the fat cells and storing fat?
Is it really true that I can change the way my body is storing fat – WITHOUT mucking up my body’s ability to create new cells? Is it really true that I can change the way my body is laying in the extra bone that is arthritis, without stuffing up my body’s ability to create other cells and heal the way my body was designed?
And then get on with your day, knowing that the answer will come welling up from the inside of you, in the perfect time and you will know the Truth for YOURself.
You’ll know it’s the right answer because it will feel expansive and you’ll feel great.
So go back and read this section again, with curiosity this time about whether that’s true or not.
2. We have a communication system that is the envy of computer programmers. Automatic information runs up and down our spinal column and through our nerve system – a two way information superhighway, communicating with bones, muscles and organs. Our endrocrine system – our hormones and brain chemicals are another vital part of this superhighway that gives us access to conscious information and adjusts our systems automatically.
Pause and think about the truth or not of this one too. Even if our bodies are aching from dragging this extra weight around, even if our hormones are causing us to lay in fat and even if our brain chemicals have us in depression – we don’t want to turn off our bodies ability to communicate with itself – we don’t want to turn off our ability to heal ourselves, hey?
Here’s something else to think of the truth of or not. Is it true that you – little old you – has the ability to notice, listen to and act on your body’s brilliant way of communicating? AND that we have an innate ability to heal ourselves on auto pilot?
Once you’ve gotten curious about whether that’s true or not – you can get on with your day, knowing that the answer will flow into you mind from the INNER part of you – if not now, then later in perfect timing and that the truth will feel expansive and wonderful. It will feel so good that you will have no doubt that it is the Truth.
So go back and read this section again, with a curiosity about whether it’s true or not.
3. We have a drainage system to get rid of crap (no pun intended) that we’re either finished with, don’t need or don’t want in our bodies. Starting with the tiny cells in our body, supported by various organs and the lymph pathways, our body has the ability to expel things like a splinter in your finger for example and to drain out unwanted residual stuff from food and anything else our body wants to get rid of. And all this happens on auto pilot, with our bodies making constant fine adjustments all by itself.
Here’s that pause again to reflect on the truth or not of this for yourself… We don’t want to turn off our bodies ability to eliminate that ability – even if that bloating, that abscess or that rash or that diarrhea or that constipation is driving us crazy.
Is that true?
And is it true or not, that these actions of our bodies are actually a GOOD deal – that they are the best ways our bodies can find to heal us in this moment? And is it true that if we don’t like the ways our bodies are struggling to heal themselves, that we can change that without stuffing up the drainage system?
When you’ve gotten curious about those two questions, then you can get on with your day, knowing that the truth will float up into your mind now or later, in perfect timing…
… and the truth will feel expansive and utterly right.
4. And we have an immune system that knocks my socks off – that pulls these three systems together in a wondrous and seamless dance of power. Inflammation is a function of our immune system and inflammation is behind almost every weight problem – as well as a vast number of other health conditions.
Is it true that we don’t want to be turning off that “wondrous dance of power” that is our immune system, even if the inflammation that’s causing most weight problems is part of it?
Have you ever heard that expression “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”? If you haven’t heard that expression before, it means that we don’t want to get rid of the best part (the baby / the immune system) while we’re getting rid of what we don’t want (the bathwater / the inflammation).
Are you curious to know if it’s true or not, that you can allow yourself to FEEL into the beauty of that inflammation at the same time as knowing that you’d really prefer not to have it any more? (Yeah that’s my dry Aussie understatement again.)
See if you can find that curiosity too while you read this section again?
So if our bodies are that perfect, what CAN we do to change things?
I’m glad you asked. 🙂
The answer is to keep in mind the perfection of the way our body was designed and ADD to that.
We just want to get to the bottom of whatever symptoms are feeling uncomfortable. Why are WE personally experiencing excess weight? I’m willing to bet that the reason is not what you think it is, or you would have already fixed it.
We want to get to the bottom of whatever is causing us di-stress, dis-ease, any and all of the mental, physical and emotional pain that is reflected in our bodies. We want to be able to understand and let go the stress and tension that we’ve been storing in our body that’s been responsible for those miraculous three systems having such a struggle to heal us the way our bodies were designed.
And get the ease back
We want to understand how to bring the ease back, how to make it effortless, how to bring this amazing body of ours back into balance. We want to flow with those changes and notice how we can ADD to the sheer beauty of the way our body works.
I’ve known people who have found that point of change so fast, it was called a miracle. And for others it’s been a process of finding peace in the process itself, in stages. We’re all different…
Read on…
For a small task that will speed up those truths popping up from the inside of you…
animals, nature of some description. wind on your skin., leaves of a tree blowing, sit with your favorite animal.
If you have a horse
There are two reasons your horses are worth their weight in absolute gold:
Within 55 metres of a relaxed horse, our breathing slows, our heart rate evens out and raised blood pressure starts dropping. (See Ann Baldwin’s research on the HeartMath website.) So it gives you another thread to add to the healing power of this meditation when you take it out to your horse.
The same Feel for your horse, the inner awareness that we teach here that makes you seriously good with horses, is the same inner awareness that can be used to bring us to improve our own health as well as our horse’s. Getting really good at understanding and using our inner awareness as a guidance system most commonly occurs in stages, getting better and better at it the more we practice. And our horses are masters at helping us to do that. You can check out our Training Programs at the top of this page.
Other animals
Dogs and cats and all kinds of other animals, when they are relaxed, also have a positive influence on your body systems – as does the beach, big old trees, laying looking at the sky and being out in nature generally – any way of connecting with mother earth.
Your reiki healing meditation
Insert hte 3 miasms here.
Then – this lnowledge might appeal to you – even inspire oyu, but it’s no use to you whatspever unless you can see the truth or not of that for YOURselves.
Figuring out what’s true FOR YOU – is the whole point of this program, the aim of which is to reconnect your brain and body so that your own self gives you clear signals of what’s right for you in this moment and you can ditch the diet forever.
How many of you have heard that we have to love our bodies?
Loving our bodies is a heck of lot easier when our brain and body are connected and …
Put the video in here of me talking about that.
because we’re going to focus on the HAPPINESS part first.
You get more support
Right now we’re in the early stages of this life changing program – seeing all the ways that other people can get what I got – looking younger, losing weight effortlessly, healing faster, feeling better. If there’s anything you don’t understand or something unexpected that comes up, let me know – I might have to tweak the program or the way I explain it. I want to know what’s working for you and what isn’t. It’s important to both of us, so don’t be shy, get tapping on that keyboard!
Having emphasized the importance of that feedback, you’ll notice that I sometimes suggest you Google something. This is not a program telling you what to do, what to think or what to believe. This particular program is to re-connect YOUR brain and body with food and for you to MAKE IT YOUR OWN. I’m giving you a Ferrari with this program – and you want the fun of driving it yourself!
We’re all unique
Some of you will have food that has been the sole cause of disconnection or blurring of messages between the brain and the body. For some people it will have been caused by a systematic ignoring and suppression of our emotions and the other feelings of what I call our Inner Guidance system that I’ve talked about in the pages that came with our last email. For others it could be exposure to a toxin, or a hormone disruption from chemicals. It could even be an accident or a trauma that caused that disconnect. We could even have a little bit of all those things in the mix. It’s called LIFE. Can you feel me smiling?
ALL of that is changeable when you attend to the things in these coming pages.
So don’t make this complicated
If you choose to read on straight away and click the next link, you’re getting a list of things that can contribute to our body-brain disconnect. You can pay attention to as little or as much of these things as you want to and you can do it when you’re ready. If you want to just focus on the food side, then go for it.
We’re here for emotional support should you ever need it. If you want to find the ease of inner peace and happiness and healing while you do the food thing, then read on, you’re in the right place!
Our free seminars
We have free seminars that happen pretty much monthly where I work with someone live on their real life issue. We also do some group healing and usually expand our knowledge about all kinds of things – horses, other animals, personal growth, healing. They’re usually quite interactive sessions, you can send in or ask questions, or suggest topics you’d like to hear about. It’s interesting how, no matter what the subject, there’s always happiness and healing with our Inner Guidance system in there as the foundation of everything else. Those free seminars are for community building, so please share them around.
Being in this Body Stuff program will mean you’ll get an email when one of those seminars is coming up. If you want to save the date for the next one ahead of time and see what the subject is, you’ll find “The Dummy Spit Anti-Struggling Revolution” at this link. And as I said, I’d love it if you’d share the upcoming seminars around.