Ourselves and our horses can and will do a whole heap of positive physical changes after the relationship has improved from using the approach that we talk about in the completely free gift lessons The 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse (on the right hand side of this page here.)
I have so often seen the most amazing healing take place. Bones starting to slide into the right place again. Muscles that were withered away come back into plumpness and proper operation. Coats shine up miraculously and almost instantly. Dull eyes brighten. I constantly see the posture and movement of horse and rider improved – and all from nothing but the change in the relationship between person and horse that I am talking about here on this website.
They (and we) have been carrying fear, anger and frustration in our bodies as toxins (poisons if you will). So when we give our horse (and us) the means to let it go, the body has to physically dump all those toxins.
We can support the dumping of those toxins and the healing that takes place for our horse and for ourselves in some simple ways with food. We could make a bit of dandelion root available for him to dig up and chew on to support the liver or add some fresh garlic to his feed (about a heaped teaspoon seems to be as much as my horses will eat in one go) or add some rosehips or some Vitamin C for a few days.
We could go for a walk along the quiet road verge and find a thistle or a nettle for them to pick on or whatever other weeds they might choose.
Or even better, put them in a paddock with good feed and all kinds of weeds so that he can choose the herbs that will best support his “detox”. I say good feed, because a horse will generally and naturally hunt what’s good for him, provided that he’s not hungry enough to eat something that’s bad for him. You’ll see them picking up a bit of dockweed or the tips off sharp thistles or nettles or whatever, they are self medicating. Thistles are specially great for detoxing.
That’s one reason I don’t like to get rid of all my weeds (although I don’t want to choke in them either) .
For us, we too can self medicate very effectively and successfully with food, some nice organic beetroot for the liver (no point in trying to detox the liver and add chemicals to it with the food). Food herbs and spices have wonderful healing properties, such as fresh garlic, parsley, tumeric. There’s some great detoxing teas available in your health food shop.
Google “detoxing food herbs and spices” for a wider choice than those simple food herbs that I have mentioned here.
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