You know you’re getting old when you’re in hospital and the doctor asks you if you want to be resuscitated. “Don’t read anything more into …
Human health
I could weep for them
I was listening to someone recently who talked about how after the Olympics, there's so many riders looking for a happier, more …
The pros and cons of Rescue Remedy for horses & people
Using Rescue Remedy as a crutch when either we or our horse is scared of something can cause big problems if we use it to suppress the fear. …
A healing meditation from my reiki grid
Use the knowing of the ways our bodies are already geared to healing to ADD to the sheer beauty and power of that healing. And then …
A gorgeous story of the joy to be found under every depression.
Aren't they the cutest friends ever? And no this is not the "she" I'm talking about. lol! She had suffered with the worst case of …
Get rid of the physical causes of depression and feel good instead. Part 1
From a small case of the "blah"s to a full on depression, attending to the physical causes clears the way to a MUCH easier fix. When …
New guidelines about anti-depressants change everything.
If you or a loved one are taking anti-depressants, then you don't want to miss this article about the why's and wherefores of these new …
She solved PTSD and depression with her horse work
She solved PTSD AND depression with her horse work as the foundation. I am filled with gratitude that Julia should want to share this, to …
Buck anxiety!
Wouldn't you love to do it like that horse in the photo? Just release all that pent up feeling and with a big flick of your feet feel …
The gift of confidence is to be found in fear
Understanding fear dramatically reduces the dangers of horse riding. The very first thing to do, to get rid of those appallingly …