Today I’m gifting a specialized meditation designed for a deep connection and healing that you can send to a loved one – something that you can do for them, even if they are far away.
You can do this meditation two ways:
- You can simply follow along with the audio below, sending healing energy to your loved one.
- Or you can ask me to put them into my reiki grid to escalate the healing. You’ll find my contact details on the menu at the top of the page. There’s no cost, no catch, just email me and ask. You don’t even need to tell me what’s wrong them unless you want to, although you’re welcome to say g’day and tell me your story.
The gift of healing that is my reiki grid.
You can think of my reiki healing grid as constantly surrounding someone with a bubble of reiki healing energy. I won’t put more detail about the grid in this article, you can read more about it here if you’re particularly interested.
The glorious music that I’m using (with their permission) is Deva Premal and Miten’s – you can find more of their incredibly special music on their website here or look them up on Facebook, they often do live music sessions on-line.
If you’re stressed about them or unwell yourself
You’ll notice in the meditation that we first fill you up with the healing energy, so that you’re in the best shape to support them. You certainly don’t want to be communicating your own stress. When we are in our hearts with the loving and healing energy flowing and having understood and released all our own crappy feelings around our loved one who’s in trouble – that’s called Holding Space. It’s a very powerful place from which we are able to most effectively support someone else.
Have I made a big enough deal about that? US first, THEN we’re in the right place to support others. It’s a bit like the oxygen mask in the airplane hey?
The meditation to send healing to another
You can download this meditation to your computer and then on to your phone or other mobile device, by right mouse clicking on this link and “save link as” or “save target as” or whatever your program likes to call it. Then follow the prompts to save it. You’ll find it in your Downloads file, labelled “Reiki meditation for loved ones”.
Written version of the meditation
What we’re going to do first in this meditation is to find peacefulness and support for OURSELVES – we’re going to make a commitment to be gentle on ourselves, we’re going to draw the reiki healing energy into our own bodies and let go however much stress and tension that we’ve been storing in our body, that is perfect to let go of right now – so that we’re in the best shape to be supporting our loved ones. When we’ve found peacefulness for ourselves, we’re going to flow this loving reiki energy out to your loved one.
Breathing in and out, gently focusing on the outward breath… Notice what’s happening to your body on the outward breath, notice the parts of your body that are moving on your outward breath . Just noticing the way that the lower part of your ribs just squashes the breath out of your lungs. And don’t do that on purpose, just notice the way that your ribs are moving the air from your lungs.
Notice as you’re paying attention to your outward breath that the movement of your ribs is becoming easier, more relaxed and more flowing.
Notice the tiny little pause that is starting to come at the bottom of your outward breath, where for just a split second, you don’t need to breathe in at all. And you’re not doing that on purpose. Just notice what’s happening at the bottom of that outward breath. Soften your eyes and allow them to smile just a little and just notice that pause that may or may not be there yet, at the bottom of your outward breath.
Notice the feeling in your body as you smile with your eyes. Notice everything about how good it feels to smile with your eyes like this and notice how good it feels to be gentle on ourselves.
Still paying gentle attention to your outward breath.
And smiling with your eyes. Now gently decide to draw on the beautiful energy in that reiki grid for yourself. That’s it… Smiling ahhh eyes. If energy’s your thing to notice, notice that flow of the reiki energy into your body, or notice the warmth of it, and the rightness of it. Notice your shoulders relaxing downwards, notice your face softening.
Soak up that beautiful energy. Allow yourself to be aware of your whole body, knowing how perfectly your own body works at its own healing and relaxation, flowing with the reiki energy and the perfection of that healing and relaxation,
Smiling with your soft ahhh eyes, EMBRACING the support that you’re feeling, LOVING the support that you’re feeling from this beautiful energy,
When you feel ready, and still smiling with your soft ahhh eyes – just intend for this beautiful relaxing energy to flow through to your loved one with all your love. If intention alone feels too vague for you, you can say in your mind “send this energy through to …. ” but your intention is all it takes.
For the next few minutes, allow the glorious voice of Deva Premal and Miten and the Om Ram Ramaya mantra and this beautiful reiki healing energy, to bring you more and more peacefulness and your loved one more and more support…
…This is Deva and Miten singing the Om Ram Ramaya… This mantra activates balance, strength and healing in the body. The sound Ram brings powerful balancing and healing qualities directly into your physical body, mind and emotions.
The words to the chant:
Om bhur bhuvah svaha tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
Still paying gentle attention to that outward breath, feel down to your feet while you’re sitting there and become aware of how they feel on the ground, flex your toes and really feel into the ground with them. Flex all your feet and give them a good wriggle.
Then when you’re ready, ground yourself by going for a slow walk around the room, being very aware of what your body feels like and the feel of your feet on the ground, flexing your feet and specially your toes and do this for as long as it feels good to do it.
Then take this healing, this relaxation and your easier mind out into the rest of your day.
If you haven’t downloaded this meditation yet, then you can do that now. There’s no limit to this beautiful energy, you can repeat this as often as you like.
Find out more about how you can support loved ones
And at the same time experience happiness, healing and joyful creation for yourself too, with the world’s first on-line book.
No, not an e-book – an ONLINE book, that enables us to create an EXPERIENCE of happiness, healing and joyful creation.
30 Seconds to Change Your Life
Today’s photo is by the very talented photographer Marie Richards in New Zealand. If you’d ever like to see your own photos on my website and emails, then feel free to send me a selection by emailing me here.

Thank you for this Jenny ❤️ love your reiki grid healing meditations…. So powerful, I could feel the energy as shivers down my spine. What a beautiful gift!
Were you working on a person or an animal Johanna?
Beautiful … thank you Jenny for yet another generous gift, you are truly wonderful 🙂
Aw you’re welcome Kathy. Not such a big deal as it turns out. <3 I re-worked an existing meditation that I had put up during Covid when the oldies were locked away and folks couldn't visit even their dying relatives. I'm prepping for the upcoming pain relief seminar, which, holy snappin' turtles, is going to be a lulu of a seminar!