“We are not our dna” – that’s a weird title, given that we’re told that our dna is our personal blueprint and that it’s written in cement. I’m telling you that in terms of medical vulnerabilities and inherited reactions, patterns and behaviors, our dna is only our PRE-DISPOSITION and it’s not written in cement at all. Just this week, I’ve had three people dramatically change their lives by understanding, releasing and then choosing their reactions and behaviors, by healing back through their ancestry.
What’s the link between being medically vulnerable to some inherited disease and the inherited behaviors and reactions that we’re all subject to?
I’m glad you asked!
How stress and tension cause physical health problems of all kinds.
If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll be familiar with my often said “when we ignore our feelings, we suppress them, we push them down into our bodies where they cause stress and tension. When enough physical tension has built up, the muscle fibres get kind of glued together and the muscles themselves become chronically tight. Our posture goes out of whack, the muscles start pulling joints and spinal bones out of alignment and then those joints start rubbing on each other in ways they weren’t meant to do. Then the body builds extra bone to try and balance it (arthritis) and if we haven’t brought our bodies back into alignment by then, that build up of new “bone” will cause pain.
Next thing, the hormones and brain chemicals are triggered and react to try and cope with what’s unfolding. Just one example of that is the adrenal glands getting chronically stuck releasing the fight or flight hormone cortisol which, because it’s a part of a very complex and intricately balanced endocrine system, means changing the balance of other hormones and brain chemicals – which can affect everything from the brain chemicals that help you sleep, to the way your heart beats, to the feel good hormones, the lack of which causes depression among other things.
And ALL of the above has adverse effects on the organs themselves.
The effect of dna on that stress and tension
So what’s the connection to dna and these inherited medical conditions and pre-dispositions that I’m talking about?
When a person suffers a big enough unresolved trauma, that trauma can be imprinted into their dna and passed down to future generations.
When we’re on the receiving end of ancestral trauma in our dna, it acts to intensify our own life experiences. If we ignore and suppress the feelings triggered by our own life experiences, then in that accumulated cascade of holistic cause and effect that I talked about above, in both dna and our current life experiences, the feelings will cause the health conditions that the medical profession will call inherited.
And it WAS inherited, but not in the way that medical profession commonly thinks of it.
Because it’s about FEELINGS and if you’ve already been here with me before, you’ll know that we can change the way we deal with our feelings – and if we can change the way we deal with our feelings, thus finding inner peace and happiness and even joy – then we can change the effect of our dna.
So even inherited health vulnerabilities don’t have to come to fruition if we change the way we deal with our feelings.
It’s big hey?
When we get at the trauma that caused that genetic pre-disposition, when we understand and release that trauma in us and then back in the previous generations as well – it’s like we’re healing our lineage. Whether it’s a health pre-disposition or a reaction predisposition or a behavior pre-disposition, we can do that so thoroughly that it’s as if those genetics aren’t even there any more.
To deal with our feelings is a lot easier than we’ve been taught. It’s NOT about thinking positive. Personally I don’t remember ever seeing a case where positive thinking by itself changed anything substantive. In fact in my book Holy shit is that really true? I talk about how trying to think positive can be incredibly suppressive and means that we’re most likely to miss the messages and opportunity for positive change that our inner self is trying to tell us.
Changing the way we deal with our feelings is soooo much easier than we think, when we understand them.
Changing the way that we deal with our feelings is as simple as understanding our connection to others and how we, personally and uniquely experience that connection. It’s about understanding what the messages of ALL our feelings are telling us – again uniquely in our individual situation.
It’s incredibly healing – mentally, emotionally and physically AND because our feelings are our inner guidance system, when we understand them, our feelings guide us to a phenomenal ability to create positive change in our lives and in the world around us – way beyond anything I ever considered possible previously. But that’s a discussion for another day and if you’re intrigued, it’s deeply explored in I wish you Happiness.
When ancestral feelings and reactions and behaviors come up, we can deal with them in similar ways AND THAT RELEASES THEM TOO – from the influence of the dna itself.
I’m prompted to talk about this because I’ve had three clients this week who’ve done dramatic healing and life transformational stuff around their ancestry, dna and genetic predispositions.
I’ve removed a story from this article about a friend/client’s session yesterday, because I haven’t had a chance to check it out that she’s happy about how I wrote it, but mannn it is a gorgeous story of someone coming from a dark place for many decades and now being able to find joyfulness again quite quickly – even after something goes terribly wrong. I got goosebumps at her joy and wonder when she realized that she is no longer a captive to her dna.
Ahhh I love this work!
p.s. I don’t know for a fact whether our dna actually changes after this kind of work or whether the genetic pre-disposition is so thoroughly taken care of that the dna just doesn’t matter. One of these days someone will have a before and after dna test and give us that answer.
In the meantime we’ll just enjoy the effects of this beautiful work, that you can get so easily:
- There’s one of our free monthly events this Sunday – come and join us, you can read about that here There’s a registration link on that page to get notified of each of the free seminars as they come up.
- Holy shit is that really true? (a different kind of book) lays out the whole process of learning how to deal with our feelings easily – day by gentle day for a mere $25.
Tomorrow I’ll talk about our horse’s dna in the same context.
I chose the photo of Boots today because he’s the subject of “our horses don’t need to be captive to their dna either” which I’ll talk about tomorrow, because it turned out to be too big a subject to include in today’s article.

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