When medical people sniff dismissively at The Placebo Effect, I can’t help smiling and shaking my head. I’ve often wondered why “they” haven’t spent as much time and money researching WHY so many people get better on the sugar pills, rather than the real medicine that they’re wanting to put on the market. I guess that’s not rocket science though – follow the money.
I could talk for hours about the Placebo Effect and how we can amplify it DRAMATICALLY. I could tell you stories for hours about how we’ve used the power of the mind and body for so called “miracles” in all kinds of cases of illness and dis-ease – but that’s not what I want to talk about today.
Today I want to come at it from the other direction. It’s still about how to amplify the power of our minds and bodies DRAMATICALLY – but this time it’s by getting rid of the Nocebo Effect.
The Nocebo Effect
I have a feeling I’m going to upset some beloved alternative folk here, but hey, the truth is the truth is the truth, so suck it up princesses! lol! Hey you must know me by now beloveds, the “suck it up princess” part is a joke.
When we are afraid of a medicine or a vaccination or a chemical, or even a food that’s suddenly been declared “possibly carcinogenic” or “dairy’s bad for your heart” – any and all of the over-generalised or self serving, “buy my stuff instead” money generating crap that’s been dished up to us over the years, then the Nocebo Effect comes into play. The Nocebo Effect is the opposite to The Placebo Effect.
The Nocebo Effect is when we think that something’s going to cause us harm, so it does.
Please don’t misunderstand me here. This is not our imagination at work, it’s not hysteria. We ARE NOT making up the harm. It’s REAL harm, physically happening to our bodies. It’s caused by the STRESS of thinking or believing that harm. That stress causes very real physical tension, which has adverse reactions from one end of our body to the other – muscles, bones, joints, spinal cord, hormones, brain chemicals, organs, deep into the cells – stress plays a huge part in blocking our body’s ability to heal. When I did my training about 26 years ago, we were taught that stress was 80% of the physical ailments. There’s so many toxins in the environment now, that I think it’s less than that these days, but stress is still a HUGE part of what physically ails us.
That doesn’t mean that trying to think positive can stop The Nocebo Effect or fix it once it’s happened – far from it. This is a VERY REAL physical distress and it takes a profound change to reverse it. We’ve developed an easy process here for that profound change.
Even after clearing up the Nocebo Effect in any given circumstance, yes there are some things that are still going to cause harm, but you would be surprised at how few. And just as clearly, there ARE some things that are going to cause harm to one person that may not cause harm to another.
So how do we find what’s right for us?
We are vibrational beings
That brings me back to this vaccination under duress shit. We are vibrational beings and we can vibrate to anything – including vaccinations.
Scientists have actually drilled down into the cells, down into the atoms, down into the minute parts of the atoms and have been able to measure at least some of the vibrations at the core of the life force deep in our cells. So the vibrational nature of living things is a fact. (Actually the vibrations go beyond what we think of as living things, but that’s a discussion for another time.)
In this case, the coercion and duress around vaccinations has itself been responsible for vast amounts of the stress we’ve been experiencing, but we’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s email. Our focus in this upcoming workshop is on getting rid of as much stored crap from our bodies as possible – whether that’s from vaccinations or chemical toxins or getting rid of the toxic nature of old fear and anger and frustration and grief and and rage that’s been stored in our bodies as stress and tension.
Then we get more and more clear about who we are and what we’re capable of and we vibrate higher and higher and life gets more and more wonderful.
But can we do that fast enough?
To release enough old stored stress from crap that’s happened in our lives, to find enough Truth and vibrate high enough to vibrate to these vaccinations that our governments seem hell bent on forcing us to have, may not happen fast enough for some of us.
So that brings us to how homeopathic medicine can help us.
I’m not going to go into how homeopathy works here, I’ll talk a bit about that in the workshop. It’s a vibrational medicine that in the case of vaccinations and other chemicals or toxins we’ve been exposed to, can help us to reduce or even eliminate the side effects of those vaccinations, chemicals and toxins.
If you’ve had your vaccination already, the combination of the homeopathic and stress release parts of the workshop will help you to lift your vibration to deal with the side effects of the vaccination or chemical or toxin that you are experiencing. You’ll be using your own saliva to make the medicine, so it will be uniquely attuned to whatever YOU have going on, in YOUR body.
If you haven’t had a vaccination
If you haven’t had your vaccination yet and you want to or you’re under duress to have it, but you’ve been holding back from very real stress about the nature of them, then do the workshop, clean up some old chemicals and toxins from your body, understand your old fears that are adding to this vaccination issue. We help you to drill down and find YOUR OWN beliefs (it’s so darned important that they be YOUR beliefs and YOUR Truths. Mine can inspire you, but they’re not worth shit to you when the crap hits the fan in your own life. You’re likely to release some old stresses that may have nothing to do with vaccinations at all – and THEN you’ll be in a position to make your choice to have that vaccination – OR NOT – from POWER.
If … and only if… you felt good enough about it after the workshop to choose to vaccinate, then you would simply use the recordings to make a new homeopathic for yourself after the vaccination. We’ll talk more about that during the workshop.
The Workshop
Cost of the workshop recordings – $30 includes both sessions and step by step instructions, which after the event has been amalgamated onto one page to make it easier for you to follow the process.
Buy your $30 ticket above and then email me to let me know which seminar / workshop you want and I’ll send the link to you by email.
Today’s photo: Rapunzel isn’t laughing at us. She’s letting off stress from something that we were just helping her to release. Even animals experience huge health benefits from releasing stress and tension – and when we add our own confidence in that process with our animals – we step into Quantum Physics 101. I’ll probably talk a little about that during the workshop too. If that’s an interest for you, you can remind me if I haven’t touched on it! 🙂
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