You’d think it would be pretty hard to bring inner peace and happiness into food poisoning, but I think we manage it, with these two alternative ways of treating pain and food poisoning that came to me in a real life food poisoning episode yesterday, Yes this is a horse blog, but it’s we humans who care for them and our horses depend on our wellness hey?
Yesterday I found myself rocking with pain in my stomach, that was building in waves, complete with saliva and nausea building up – typical food poisoning symptoms.
The first thing to cross my mind was “Is this all mine?” I was open to the idea that I might have been experiencing Goldie’s pain through our very natural connection to each other (she’s sick and I’d been treating her earlier in the day) but when I felt into that possibility, it wasn’t Goldie or anyone else – it was all mine.
[FYI for those of you new to this blog, we ALL uniquely feel our connection to others (including our animals) and being able to physically feel my horse is one of MY ways of feeling my connection to others. These days that feeling is usually experienced at a kind of ‘distance’ that tells me it’s not mine. But back in the early days before I understood this connection stuff, my inner guidance system was yelling at me, trying to get my attention with big physical feelings. If you’re interested to know whether some of your aches and pains might not be all yours either and you’d like to get rid of them really quickly, or you’d like to know how YOU uniquely experience your connection to others, there’s a reference to a book at the bottom of the page.]
Then my physical need to rock. Unsurprisingly, the rocking eased the pain and that’s unsurprising to me because rocking releases endorphins, which are the feel good hormones that also act as pain killers. Those old folks and their rocking chairs were onto something and yes I have a rocking chair. Do you? 🙂 I needed more than a rocking chair though – once I noticed what was happening in my body when I was rocking, I got my brain really bathing in endorphins with a BIIIGGGG slow rocking motion.
FYI for someone who has a child rhythmically banging their head – that does the same endorphin release thing too. So to change that simply requires understanding what’s causing the pain.
I’m a problem solver (for those who’ve been around here for a while, that’s my strong Mental Feel.) So even in the middle of agonizing stomach cramps I was open to the idea of problem solving and “got” that the happy bacteria of sauerkraut could counteract / drown out the crappy bacteria of the food poisoning. I checked it out slowly with my Feel (my inner awareness) smelling it first. Yes that felt good. Then holding some in my mouth – yes that felt good. Then eating a little bit and then a lot. Usually sauerkraut by itself isn’t delicious – I have to hide my husband’s under his potatoes and give him some kind of gravy to disguise the taste – but mannn I was looking for this and it tasted lovely straight out of the jar.
And it worked! The cramps slowed down quite quickly and were smaller, with longer gaps in between and within about half an hour from the big dose of sauerkraut, the pain was gone altogether.
Last FYI I promise! If the thought of sauerkraut makes you feel worse, you might like to try probiotic capsules. And if you’re prone to a delicate tummy, specially when you travel, then a big boost to your healthy stomach bacteria will stop most food poisonings from even starting. You can use a pendulum to figure out how many capsules it’s going to take to achieve that objective or you could pick up a session with me and get me to test it for you.
The thing that I found fascinating about the whole experience was that even through agonizing pain, there was a sense of purpose and almost an inner peace and a feel good feeling that I was able to “ride” or flow with those waves of pain when I was open to understanding everything about what was going on.
So, it turns out that it’s not too big a stretch to bring inner peace and happiness into food poisoning after all. lol!
If you’re not familiar with the concept of Feel and inner awareness and how we each uniquely experience our connection to others as a natural part of life, check out the emailbook I wish you Happiness. It’s not an e-book, it’s a whole book delivered in 30 second daily emails, designed to create an experience of understanding of our own inner guidance system and thus, happiness.
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