Yeah yeah yeah, I’m going to knock your socks off with this blog, I can tell!
Age is less about “old age wearing us out” and more about an accumulation of stresses and tensions that get in the way of us healing the way we were designed to. When we have enough of those stresses and tensions happening, we start feeling worn out and old.
And it doesn’t have to be like that.
AND it’s reversible.
I see it often. There was a beautiful example in an email from Leslie just yesterday. She requested the effortlessly good riding seat lesson that I offered for free in the last blog and here’s the wonderful things that happened when she released some stresses and tensions – in her own words.
WOW!!! This was unbelievable! I did the exercise and my back injury flared (rather painfully) (That was what we call a healing crisis – rapid uncomfortable change) but after I walked around for a bit and now after these few days I feel as though I am in a new body!!! I can hardly believe it.
To top it off I feel so much calmer in my mind. My anxiety levels have dropped to nothing . . .
Also, my pelvis was up on the left side and it is now so comfortable and my legs are even.
I feel 20 years younger!
Feeling younger, looking younger
Notice that Leslie didn’t just have her anxiety levels drop to nothing, that she’s also feeling 20 years younger. Feeling younger, looking younger – both of these things happen when we release old stresses and tensions and allow our body to heal.
Age is less about “old age wearing us out” and more about an accumulation of stresses and tensions that get in the way of us healing the way we were designed to. When we have enough of those stresses and tensions happening, we start feeling old.
That is SUCH a big deal, it’s worth reading again and allowing the truth or not of that to sink in for ourselves. Age is not really about our bodies wearing out over time, it’s more about the accumulation of stresses and tensions that get in the way of us healing the way we were designed to, that contributes to that feeling that we’re falling apart with time.
We are very good at helping people to release stresses and tensions here
When we release the stresses, we release the physical tensions. Then the muscles and bones start behaving happily again, like they did when we were younger. Our posture improves effortlessly and our bodies start moving with the angles kind of like the giant spring that they used to when we younger. When our movement is happy, our bodies can even dissolve the extra bone cells that we call arthritis, because we don’t need that protection any more, like happened when we were younger. All kinds of things can heal when our bodies don’t need to be looking after us like that any more, like it was when we were younger.
And when things are again healing the way we were designed to heal, then we feel younger and even look younger, because by all the markers that we judge age, we ARE younger.
So what do you think? Does that make sense to you too? Talk to me in the comments. What glorious possibilities might there be if this is really true for you too?
We’re going to be talking about this a lot more!
Leslie’s story is not uncommon around here. I’ve personally experienced some “knock my socks off” stuff about feeling and looking younger, including having LESS wrinkles!
If you missed the article with the opportunity for the free riding seat lesson that produced Leslie’s results, then email me and I’ll send it to you.
Or scan your way through the sidebar for all the yummy happiness, healing and horse stuff we have available here for horses and people. If you’re on your mobile, the sidebar is underneath this article.
Today’s photo: is a painting called The Rider by the very talented artist Tracie Thompson, whose brush will forever remind us of her presence and her talent.
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