I have had very large shift in perspective in the last few weeks that has had a major impact on my life in and out of horses – and I just love the fact that horses are such a catalyst for things like this!
What if every “problem” that we experience, every crappy thing that happens between us and our horse, or every crappy thing that happens in our life with our horse, what if every single thing that happens is right?
What if every one of these crappy thing that happens, is full of things to know or do, that you have to know or do, for the changes that you have to make, in order to have exactly what it is that you want with your horse?
I had better explain … For those of you who have read Zen Connection with Horses, you will be familiar with the concept of the change places on the way to your dream. For those of you who haven’t read it yet – if you want something (no matter what it is) you obviously don’t have it yet. So something has to change in order for you to have it, or achieve it, or do it. And it is those things that have to change in order for us to have what we want, that I call “the change places”.
I had a lovely phone call from a reader last night (thanks Jan!) where she had an amazingly awesome experience with someone else’s horse. This experience only happened because her own horse didn’t want to go with her yesterday.
Now she could have pouted and sulked and been completely sad about the fact that her horse wouldn’t do what she wanted and then the odds are that she wouldn’t have been in the right frame of mind for this other awesome thing to easily happen, for her to get the awesome understanding that she got.
I have to confess, that I have personally done a lot of that pouting and sulking and “why me?” when things have gone “wrong”. I have spent a lot of time doing that kind of resistance to change. And yet those changes were the very changes that had to happen in order for me to get what I wanted with my horse.
You will probably remember a different kind of example from my book Zen Connection with Horses. If my horse Bobby hadn’t gone so lame, so drastically and for such a long period of time, then I may never have worked with the other horses that brought me the new and deeper understanding and sensitivity that became the book Zen Connection with Horses. And I am so proud of that beautiful book and how it brings people to a deeper awareness of what is happening between them and their horse.
So Bobby’s lameness – a “problem” at the time – was a right thing to happen.
Jan’s “problem”, with her horse who resisted and didn’t want to go out yesterday, was a right thing to happen.
Well, those are examples in the past. What will my life be like, how smooth and happy will my life be, if I can assume the rightness of every “problem” that comes up with me and my horse?
And when I assume the rightness of every problem, how much easier will it be to figure out what it is that I need to know or do, to change what it is that I have to change, in order for me to have whatever it is that I want with my horse? Whether that is a fun, safe ride out on Sunday afternoon, or a bridle-less piaffe, or to represent my country in my chosen sport or “just” a beautiful relationship.
And did you get that this article isn’t just about horses?
If you haven’t read Zen Connection with Horses yet and done the 8 audio lessons that come as an attached CD, you might find that this book will help you through some of those places of change on the way to what it is that you want with your horse.
The completely free gift lessons The 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse contain significant insights from Zen Connection with Horses. Not everything, but it IS a significant amount. If you haven’t got that gift yet, then grab it on the Training Programs page here. And enjoy!
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