Sunny was lethal with her feet when she arrived, slamming one foot down so hard and fast that if it had connected with a part of your body …
Horse training articles
Say goodbye to spooking
Let's have a think about why horses are spooking and then we'll talk about why you don't have to settle for the behavior of even the …
How does your horse act when they’re afraid or confused?
How can you use that knowledge to create a deeper bond? AND... what might our horses teach us about understanding and celebrating our …
My horse is scared of the wind
What a load of crap. Horses aren't scared of the wind! They have senses that expand to an awareness of everything around …
Get perfect trot to canter transitions
There's a story behind this photo, that you'll see at the end of the article. Mannn... we have been taught some stuff about …
A love letter to dressage
Dressage - war or joyfulness? I had a Blinding Flash of the Bleeding Obvious this morning. It's no wonder that we're still …
Seminar on the healing possibilities in “training” our horse for happy feet trimming
Who would like to bet me that someone doing this seminar will get a better piaffe or shoulder-in or a more confident horse out on the trail …
Do horses feel love?
Gosh I've had some spirited discussions on this subject. What IS love? Is it a feeling? Is it the deep warm feeling that little Blondie …
Launching the new video The Key to the Kingdom of Horses
I am INCREDIBLY excited to launch the new video - which has this terrified little wild horse and his owner touching our hearts and …
Calm in the middle of a firestorm
Who would believe it possible - that's two of Narel and Ian's horses scratching each other calmly in the middle of a fast approaching fire …