This is shocking, shocking, shocking health care information describing “how the modern conventional American medical system has bumbled its way into becoming the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.”
Say that again…
…the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.
Those of you who know me, know that I am quite radically alternative these days for both my animals and myself. I don’t promote that to other people, because it’s very much a personal choice – but sometimes facts and figures come to light that just need to be shared.
Once you’ve read this below, consider the implications for your other animals too. Just as one example, I have found that the chemicals that are routinely promoted to use on our dogs and cats ARE the actual cause of most the health issues of the dogs and cats that come into my healing clinic and some of them are close to death. Thank God for homeopathic medicine.
More specifically for horses, I have just done a blog called Ten ways to reduce your vet bills for your horse. – which will reduce your need for drugs and surgeries and invasive muscular skeletal techniques for your horses.
But back to the shocking statistics about the effect of the medical system on humans first.
This is an excerpt from a highly respected source – I have put the link below. Notice that the studies are using statistics taken straight from the most respected medical and scientific journals.
The figures are about the US health system – but the drugs used are the same ones all over the world. And many of these drugs have their equivalents in the veterinary world.
“Conventional Medicine Is Actually One of Your Greatest Health Risks…
There’s no shortage of evidence that the US health care system is in need of urgent transformation. Over a decade ago, Professor Bruce Pomerance of the University of Toronto concluded that properly prescribed and correctly taken pharmaceutical drugs were the fourth leading cause of death in the US!
In 2000, the Institutes of Medicine reported that medical errors were the eighth leading cause of death in the US, killing between 44,000 and 98,000 people each year. This was followed by a 2003 article aptly titled “Death by Medicine”, authored in two parts by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, which described in excruciating detail how the modern conventional American medical system has bumbled its way into becoming the leading cause of death and injury in the United States, claiming the lives of nearly 784,000 people annually!
These iatrogenic deaths (meaning deaths resulting from the activity of physicians) include everything from adverse drug reactions to medical errors, to hospital-acquired infections and surgeries gone bad—including 37,000 deaths from unnecessary medical procedures.
The authors took statistics straight from the most respected medical and scientific journals and investigative reports by the Institutes of Medicine (IOM), showing that on the whole, American medicine is causing more harm than good.
In 2010, two additional reports published in New England Journal of Medicine9 and the Journal of General Internal Medicine10 respectively, showed just how little things have changed since 2003.
For example:
* Out of 62 million death certificates dated between 1976-2006, almost a quarter-million deaths were coded as having occurred in a hospital setting due to medication errors.
* An estimated 450,000 preventable medication-related adverse events occur in the US every year.
* The costs of adverse drug reactions to society are more than $136 billion annually — greater than the total cost of cardiovascular or diabetic care.”
Click here for the whole article from mercola.com. Keep in mind that he earns his living from selling some of the alternatives to modern drugs, but he is extremely dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle that avoids disease in the first place. I should also note that I don’t agree with everything that he says!
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