This is sooo… big that I just wanted to share this with you all.
Yesterday I had a young man come in for his second healing session. The first time he had worked on and got rid of a rash that he had had for years and felt fantastic afterwards and this time he just wasn’t feeling as good as he had been and wanted that delicious feeling back.
But OMG he got sooo… much more than he bargained for…
Before I go on, it might help to understand a little bit about how my healing work works.
Our bodies (and our horses bodies and everyone else’s too) are capable of the most phenomenal healing – and I mean phenomenal. I have seen things heal that modern medicine consider is impossible – I’ve seen quite a lot of supposedly impossible things actually.
Things like my own husband had a truck accident where he crushed both legs across the knees and shattered one thigh bone into little bits. 25 people were in the multiple teams that spent 11 hours in that first of many surgeries to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. It was amazingly wonderful orthopedic and surgical and plastic surgery work that they did.
Three years after the accident they said he could have artificial knees whenever he wanted them, because the arthritis and the way the bones had healed were causing so much pain. But they suggested that he delay for as long as possible because at the that time, the artificial knees only lasted about 10 years in an active person. And the second operation had a terrible 80% failure rate. A bit like a horse, no knees no legs, so delay he did.
At the six year mark, Merv tried my teacher’s more advanced alternative therapy skills. Later that year he tested up for a homeopathic medicine that was designed to eliminate bone that shouldn’t be there and grow new bone where it should be.
Astoundingly, he grew 1/2 an inch of leg bone in that 6th year and almost eliminated his dramatically shorter leg. With more training under my belt, I finished off the support of his recovery.
Merv’s story is only one of many.
I have seen a horse who blew his suspensory ligament off the bone, re-attach it and race again 8 months later. I’ve seen bone chips dissolve without surgery. My own farrier had a broken foot, several breaks on the foot actually and 6 days later he was back under horses shoeing with no pain. Later he developed a bit of arthritis in that foot, but the beggar never came back to finish his sessions after he was back at work. The young bloke yesterday goes down in these stories from now on, but I’ll tell you about him in a minute.
So how come all our bodies don’t heal in this amazing way all the time?
We get blocked up.
We get blocked up with the toxins and chemicals of modern life – like cleaning chemicals, the side effects of cold and flu capsules, some vaccinations and other medications. We get blocked up by the hormone imbalances caused by oestrogen mimicking insecticides that cover our vegetables and fruit and by the effects of some processed foods. We get blocked up by old emotional stuff, where our bodies deal with stress as tension and that interferes with the way our organs work. We compensate for old accidents and injuries in ways that become not useful and interfere with the full and joyful movement of our bodies.
And… here was my ahhaaa moment this morning… we get blocked up with beliefs that are not really reality.
I have known for a long time and had plenty of validation, that people didn’t need to believe in the alternative therapies that I do, to benefit from them. I was raised a skeptic myself and think that could be why I have worked so successfully with other people who are skeptical too. So this ahaa moment wasn’t about believing in the therapies. It was about a deep understanding of how people’s beliefs can be a blockage to their healing process.
So… change the beliefs, change the healing…
Well this young fella yesterday, we identified an old car accident that he’d had, that had produced some of those blockages to healing. We cleared up some old emotional stuff around that and then I did some reiki healing on his brain where there were still some effects of the concussion that happened then. While I was working on his brain, he needed to be thinking about what beliefs that he had, that might be getting in the way of his body healing the way it was designed to.
When we finished that part of the session, he got up from the healing table and was doing some of the same posture work that I teach you in my on line courses, that is designed to to give us the full and joyful use of our bodies.
Something about what he was doing, just wasn’t right, just didn’t feel right to me, so I was exploring with him what he could change and came up with something about his feet. I said, “Allow your feet to connect with the earth as you walk, allow your toes to really spread out and your feet to flex with the movement of your body.”
“I can’t do that” he said, “I got my foot caught in the harvester back when I was a kid.” “See?” he showed me. “This foot can’t move any more, all the bones are like stuck together and I can’t bend my toes. or my foot much.”
“OK'” I said, “focus on doing what you CAN do with your feet, because even with an injury, there is a perfect way to compensate that will have your body feeling good.”
So off he went again, walking through my kitchen, feeling into his feet – then he turned around and started to walk towards me …
…and pfft the old injury was gone…
The bones released, the toes spread out, the foot flexed – the toes can bend so much they can almost turn themselves inside out.
I had tears in my eyes and he was choking up and I am still shaking my head and smiling with wonder when I think about it this morning.
So what changed? What made this freaking miracle possible? Because I don’t think it was just the good posture in movement work, although I do believe that it created the environment that made that healing possible.
I think it was when he was on the healing table and he opened his mind wide open to notice what belief that he had that was not actually reality. I think it was that he cleared away the emotions of feeling powerless that were behind that belief and created an environment to change that belief.
So I guess this is why I am sharing this with you today. What beliefs are getting in the way of YOUR body’s ability to heal itself the way it was designed?
Do you believe that you have the POWER to create change or healing for yourself – in your own body and out of it?
Do you believe that you are WORTH a miracle like this young man’s? Or a smaller miracle, or even a bigger one?
Here’s a thought…
Our horses can provide a beautiful healing environment and the quiet mind that can help that healing.
Go sit with your horse, do your deep breathing in and out, noticing what parts of your body are moving as you are breathing, then feel for your heart beat and if you can’t quite feel it, then imagine that you can – remember this story and smile at what the possibilities could be for yourself…
… and open yourself wide up to create a change in any beliefs that are getting in the way of you living your life to the fullest and healthiest and most joyful that it can be.
That’s great Jenny, amazing the extent it extends to, this is stuff the mainstream couldn’t even imagine. Wish you all the best with your work. Tried the homeopathy on my lungs and I don’t know but have had no setbacks this winter yip yip. Pink hugs xx
And winter is nearly over – well done you!