Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you are with your horse sometimes? Well you can expand on those good feelings deliberately by using The Seventh Key to Happiness with Your Horse.
I have been working with alternative therapies, helping people balance hormones and clear emotional stuff for errr… it’s about 23 years now (at 2019) and I have a theory about PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopause and the teenage angst years.
I don’t think that the emotional stuff that comes up at those times comes out of thin air – I think that the hormone changes brings emotional stuff to the surface and is an opportunity to get rid of that stuff forever.
And our horses can help us with that if we allow them to.
For those of you who are already familiar with The 9 Keys, The Seventh Key to Happiness with Your Horse is the one about how you can set your horse up deliberately to help them release old trauma and tension and resistance – deliberately – by using that early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right, to take the pressure off, to back off and wait for The Chew – no matter how that takes.
Those of you who have already tried this, will have noticed that your horse will sometimes go into what I call processing. They look a bit like they are dreaming. Their eyes are half closed and sleepy looking, their muscles will twitch occasionally, sometimes a lot – basically they appear to be in a kind of meditative space with something going on.
If we stay with them while they are doing this processing, if we use our inner awareness to really stay with them mentally and emotionally and physically, then we become facilitators of healing for our horse. There are many, many, many times when I can see the physical effects of that emotional healing – straight away – happening right under my eyes. I have watched countless horses muscles plumping up with blood flowing again and damaged backs actually starting to slide back into place at these times.
Now here is the very big deal and why I am writing this blog.
Our horses will do the same thing for us…
They too will use their ability to hold space for US in that meditative seeming space that they go into and if we are sitting there quietly, allowing that process to happen – then WE TOO can release old emotional traumas and tensions and resistances and WE TOO can experience significant healing.
WE TOO, can experience mental, emotional AND the physical healing that comes from releasing old emotional tensions.
Now emotional stuff is not the only cause of the upsets that can happen at times of hormonal changes like PMS, menopause and the teenage years. Depending what country you live in, there will be different kinds of mineral deficiencies that are experienced with the land where they grow your food and those mineral deficiencies can cause unnecessary hormonal fluctuations.
I crush up a bit of organic dried seaweed into soups and casseroles to get those minerals. Stop screwing your face up, smiling here, you can’t even taste a little bit – it just adds a kind of richness to the dish that is seriously lovely and thickens the sauce fractionally. Until I got caught, my husband and sons didn’t even know that I did it. I tried counting the minerals and trace elements in seaweed one day and lost track at 67 – it’s seriously good stuff.
Your country will no doubt have its own peculiar mineral deficiencies. Here in Australia, we are iodine deficient and iodine deficiency has a very big unbalancing effect on the hormone system. Many years ago, they started adding iodine to salt here to help the population generally, to fix that problem. However, the salt that they added it to was so over processed that it wasn’t good for us anyway. Good old dried seaweed does the job better because of its rich balance of different minerals and trace elements.
Another cause of hormonal upsets are some of the chemicals used in farming these days, some of which are mimicking oestrogen. And anything that unbalances one hormone in your body is unbalancing the whole delicately balanced endocrine system which includes the feel good brain chemicals, the whole digestion process, the heart – you name it, hormones have their nose in just about every body process that we have.
Now, our horses can’t help us with these physical things, but they can help us with the emotional stuff brought up to the surface by the physical hormonal changes.
I wouldn’t say that it’s ONLY empowered horses who can do this work for humans in the routine give and take of their relationship with their rider – there are some pretty strong courageous horses out there – but when we facilitate emotional healing for them, then they are in the position to much more easily facilitate emotional healing for us.
So next time you are waiting for The Chew for a long time, take yourself into the inner awareness that you learned in our riding lessons and allow yourself to drift and process too.
It might be you who is getting the benefit of that healing.
Either way, you AND your horse will both benefit…
If you haven’t got the free lessons The 9 Keys to Happiness with Your Horse already, then click here and I’ll take you to the Training Programs page – they’re at the top of the list.
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