It’s because of the “30 Second Creation Formula” – that we’ve been steadily getting better at better at helping people experience the magic and because of results like this one.
This young bloke had been a seriously heavy drinker. I’ve watched him for a while, hurting himself by stuffing all his emotional crap down deep inside and flipping between knowing he was innately OK and worrying for him. He’s had some really crappy life things going on around him at the same time and of course, the effect of that drinking has been rippling out into those around him as well.
I had one of those blinding flashes of the bleeding obvious that I hadn’t yet put all the principles of the book to work about him specifically. Crazy, but hey, there’s been lots of things in my world to attend to and I thought I’d done my bit by spending some time wishing for his happiness. (That’s another powerful process to influence someone else’s life that I describe in the book.) What I HADN’T been doing, was systematically attending to ALL the worries I was experiencing about him at the same time. Once I noticed that I’d been glossing over some of those worries, I did the same thing to understand and get rid of my worry that you too can do by following the simple processes in the book.
Soon after – days not weeks – the young man got very sick, his heart was pounding so hard and “almost jumping out of his chest” that he took himself off to the doctor – seriously ill with blood pressure 170 over 100. Google it – that’s described as a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. He took the medication which gave him horrific side effects and asked me for a session as he was about to shift to new medication.
Sessions are such a simple process these days and he wants to share this with you – for you.
I led him through the exact process in the book of applying curiosity to everything he was feeling and within a few minutes his heart had gone back to normal. Half an hour later that step by step simple curiosity had prompted an epiphany that has transformed his life and the desire to drink has left him for the first time in many years.
Just pause on that for a minute and reflect. If any of you have ever experienced an addiction or know someone who has, how incredible is such a simple release of that? He “saw” the anguish that had been breaking his heart since childhood that had driven him to obliterate it with self medication. He’s still seeing flickers of more and more layers of that anguish releasing a day later.
It was a bit more than simple curiosity. I’d already led him through a process to understand his own truth before we did the curiosity thing, because it’s knowing the truth or not FOR YOURSELF is what makes these other simple processes so powerful. We do that with you in the book too.
So what do you think? Is it really possible to influence what happens to someone else? Or was the timing coincidence? Was that shockingly dangerous blood pressure really the blessing in disguise that I know it to be? I know my answer to that question! 🙂
So back to that guarantee that turns out to not be so insane after all.
You see…the same inner guidance system that is Feel for your horse – the horse magic that we’re so rightly proud of here – is exactly the same inner guidance system that enables people to create what they want and change what they care about, in incredibly powerful ways. That story of mental and physical healing and the ability to influence someone else is only one of those ways of applying our horse magic.
The whole thing is so simple. Absolutely every person in the world has their unique version of their inner guidance system, that is different to every one else and it can’t be learned like knowledge, but it CAN be experienced. And an experience is exactly what we’ve learned how to bring you – and what you get in this book.
Got something you see in the world that makes you angry? Bring it into this book and feel the difference between a dirty kind of anger that feels yucky and the Heart Anger that can change the world.
Scared of what’s happening in your world? Bring that worry into this book and discover all the nuances of fear that will open up a pathway to creating or changing what you care about.
Are you ill or injured, chronically anxious or depressed? Bring it into the book and experience the power of your own healing.
Want a new job? Bring it into the book.
Got someone whose behavior really upsets you? Bring it into the book.
Your car breaking down all the time? Bring it into the book. Yeah I’m smiling with you. You’re going to shake your head at the kind of things that are changeable. This is a PRACTICAL day to day inner peace, happiness and creation formula.
Got a loved one who’s worrying you like my son in the story above? Bring it into the book. Yeah I just dropped that in so casually didn’t I? I was writing with no intention of telling you who it was for privacy reasons, but after he read it, he wanted to tell you who he is. He wants to be able to help others with his story…
Pick ONE thing to work on through the book, use all the built in supports that are appropriate for that thing you’re working on, come into a live event and work with me live – and if you haven’t had a “30 seconds to change your life” experience, if you don’t believe that you’ve been given the most incredible gift of being able to create or change anything that you want – then I’ll give you your money back.
This book is an experience that is so profound that I can offer a guarantee that most people would consider insane “Have an experience of changing your life in 30 seconds by the end of this book or I’ll give you your money back.” I only ask that you’re genuine in what you care about and come into a live event to get the full benefit of our in-built support systems first.
And I’m telling you, I’m going to be very surprised if I have to give anyone their money back.
Click on that heading below to take you to the $25 buy page.
Today’s picture: Is the bookcover that Facebook censored a few weeks ago. Yeah I couldn’t believe it either! 🙂
Totalily Wonderful….