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I’m hoping that you don’t mind me coming in to say g’day and have a little chat.
You don’t need me to tell you that you’ve got that magical “it” that is founded in good Feel for your horse. I’m stating the obvious – but after all, that’s why I’m here writing to you. 🙂
What you already know, is that the vast, vast majority of your students don’t have Feel for their horse. They’re either unaware that they don’t have it, or they’re turning themselves inside out, trying so hard to find it. But what you may or may not know, is that they won’t get it by copying you – they CAN’T get it by copying you.
Your students’ attempts to copy your Feel, to copy that magic that makes you, YOU – will leave them still yearning for it, feeling like they’re not good enough, smart enough, dedicated enough or that they don’t know enough, to get what you’ve got.
That single fact – not being familiar and comfortable with their own uniqueness, whether it’s in horses or in life – is the one single cause of the human condition of “I am not enough.”
And THAT is the source of EVERYTHING that is crappy in the world.
Horses give us a unique opportunity to find that Feel, to find that uniqueness and practice it – to find and be comfortable with what makes me uniquely ME.
You don’t need me to tell you that superb Feel for a horse takes an ability to quieten our mind, because you already know that. It’s behind what looks like brilliant timing but is really about being very Present. It’s behind clear thinking and really good problem solving skills and the ability to find calmness. But above all, Feel is behind the kind of confidence that comes from KNOWING all the way to your bones that this action with this horse is utterly right, in this moment. I call it the dance of love.
I’m writing to you, because I’ve figured out how teach Feel. That made me laugh a little, because it was only a little bit of me and a lot of the horses around me teaching me and exposure to a bunch of incredibly authentic and wonderful women that I love so much I put them on staff. We’ve figured out how to systematically teach people the uniqueness of the inside of them that is their Feel and how to apply that with their horse.
And I’m wondering if we may be able to help each other?
MY skills are in this foundation stuff – just imagine what your and my students would be able to do with YOUR skills and knowledge, just imagine what a difference we could make to the horses of the world, if they all have Feel to a bigger degree?
What kind of difference could we make in the world if people knew how to get Present and use their Feel for another person, in order to solve a problem in their life? Just imagine how many of them might take the opportunity of using their Feel and run with it when they’re dealing with a loved one they’re worried about, or someone who’s pissing them off or frustrating them, to understand and defuse someone’s anger, or if they choose to use it to make themselves and others BE and Feel safe?
I get smiley tears just thinking about the rippling effects of that.
Underneath the Journey to Feel stuff here, I’ve put some ideas that I’d love to explore with you.
Journey to Feel
The password for every lesson in this series is … kind
I’ve brought some new tech to this program which means that they can control the speed at which they learn and even pause while they process some of the powerful lessons in here that may need soaking up and healing time. They click on a button in the email to get the next lesson.
Journey to Feel 1 – Introduction and the foundation of a Quiet Mind
Day 1 of our journey to inner peace, healing, happiness, appreciation and lightness of spirit- all through the grace of our horse. A Quiet Mind is behind superb Feel, perfect timing, clear thinking, calmness and confidence. Even if you haven’t been able to meditate in previous experiences, I think you’re going to love this.
Journey to Feel 2 – Take your foundation out to your horse
Today the focus is on Quietening the Mind as you take a variation of Day 1’s meditation out to your horse to gently expand the relaxation and inner awareness that you developed yesterday.
Journey to Feel 3 – expand your horse experience
Enjoy this horse task and experience of being more Present with your horse.
Journey to Feel 4 – The Comfort Zone Model
When we describe how we want our horse to be and behave, we usually use words like calm, confident and relaxed. Most of us want our horse to be our best friend and a willing, happy partner. This lesson is about understanding how fear works in the learning process.
Journey to Feel 5 – Emotions as messages
For people who have strong Emotional Feel, this 11 minute audio (and a written version) about what the different emotions mean, could be life changing. If it’s not your particular strength, then I suspect it will help you to understand others and THAT could be life changing!
Journey to Feel 6 – Allowing the flow
In today’s meditation we go deeper into inner awareness – experiencing the freedom that comes from allowing our awareness to flow and feeling the well being from the next step into a Quiet Mind with a type of breathing (that I call Reverse Breathing) that will automatically improve our riding and way of being with our horse.
Journey to Feel 7 – Taking the breath work out to your horse
Take this adapted meditation from yesterday out to your horse with your mobile device and in the presence of your horse, or other special animal that you have chosen for today, practice the Reverse Breathing that is so good for your health, your riding and your way of being with your horse.
Journey to Feel 8 – Breath as a trigger for a Quiet Mind
Welcome to the horse exercise that goes with this mini series. Creating a habit around relaxed breathing can become your trigger into a Quiet Mind
Journey to Feel 9 – Conscious connection to your horse
I remember listening to Frederic Pignon talking about what bothered horses the most. They told him that it wasn’t all the crappy things that are done to them. It wasn’t even abuse. It was being misunderstood that upset them the most.
Journey to Feel 10 – The Magic Questions
This is a BIIGG lesson. Not big as in size but BIG in impact. You might like to take this out to your horse and breathe with them for a while on this, as you explore the truth of The Magic Questions for your own self.
Journey to Feel 11 – Gentle releasing
One of the things that makes my work unique, is the way I set it up to be effortless. In this next 3 day series, we’re looking for lightness of spirit, deepening our Quiet Mind and improving our breathing and to make that effortless, we’re going to clear up/ understand / remove whatever is blocking that.
Journey to Feel 12 – take gentle releasing out to your horse
Today we’re going to use the power of pour horse’s Presence to uncover yet another layer of lightness of spirit, good breathing and Quiet Mind by releasing something else that is in the way of all that happening easily and naturally.
Journey to Feel 13 – deeper and deeper, easier and easier
For you and for them – the lovely horse exercise for this mini series.
Journey to Feel 14 – Something is Not Quite Right
I’d like to put bells and whistles and have drum rolls and maybe even church bells for this lesson. It’s funny the things that stick in our minds. I vividly remember where I was and what I was feeling when I got the insight that I didn’t need to feel so crappy – that an early warning signal existed.
Journey to Feel 15 – More of something is Not Quite Right
Celebrating our differences and the utter gift to your horse that this is.
Journey to Feel 16 – a deeper connection to your horse
I have often been convinced that “THIS time I have it! THIS time I have the connection to my horse all the way to my bones” and then I discover another joyful layer.
Journey to Feel 17 – take that deeper connection out to your horse
Of all the meditations you’ve taken outside to deepen the experience with the power of your horse, this one is the most special. Today you’ll find a deeper connection with your horse and another layer of Lightness of Spirit.
Journey to Feel 18 – Use that deeper connection
Today we have a simple but very powerful horse exercise to lift your awareness and bond with your horse to a whole new level.
Journey to Feel 19 – an opportunity for profound healing
One of the blessings of the way we work here, is the possibility of healing – sometimes profound and extraordinary healing – for both horse and rider, that happens with the simple release of emotional stress.
Journey to Feel 20 – more profound healing
With that new knowledge from yesterday about waiting for the lick and chew and all the threads that make up profound healing for your horse, go back to this haltering task with a new sense of the sacredness of the opportunity here.
Journey to Feel 21 – Problem solving with wisdom
I often talk about there being no such thing as a problem – that every so called “problem” is just an opportunity to get a deeper bond with our horse. And that’s because every “problem” with our horse that we solve with peacefulness and happiness for both of us, increases our horse’s confidence in us and deepens the bond with our horse.
Journey to Feel 22 – taking problem solving out to your horse
Today we’re taking that powerful problem solving meditation from yesterday out to our horse, for their lovely contribution to our Quieter Mind and a deeper understanding of how simple yet powerful it can be to solve problems like this.
Journey to Feel 23 – a gift of love for your horse
Today we’re going to allow our horse to show us a problem, we’re going to ALLOW our horse to tell us something that will increase our bond, now that we have a process for solving things.
Journey to Feel 24 – Understanding horse personalities
Life with our horse becomes so much easier when we understand the different ways in which the different horse personalities behave when they are afraid or confused AND when we know how to feel into and respond appropriately to those differences in the Present moment.
Journey to Feel 25 – BE the change
“BE the change that you want the world to be” is a quote attributed to Ghandi the great spiritual leader / political activist who led India to independence with a specific non violent approach to life and vast political change. The application of this to our horses is profound in unexpected ways.
Journey to Feel 26 – Feeling the dream
At the beginning of Zen Connection with Horses, I talk about a friend of mine who dreamed of galloping along the beach on a black stallion, like in the scene from the Black Stallion movie. Eventually she realized that it wasn’t the galloping along the beach she was looking for, nor even the black stallion – it was the FEELINGS of that dream that she was looking for.
Journey to Feel 27 – feeling the dream with your horse
Today we’re using our Quiet Mind and the power of your horse to escalate each other into feeling more and more good. The mantra says it all. “The season has arrived, where I will finally see you and dance with you, with the breathing in of joy, it is time to live in bliss.”
Journey to Feel 28 – a joyful depth of “problem solving”
Today’s task is to move about your day with your horse, taking your attention inside yourself as often as you remember, doing more of the things with your horse that make both of you feel good, taking plenty of time to soak those up and appreciate them and using the early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right to work out what it is that has to change.
And change it.
Journey to Feel 29 – My famous change places lesson
Look at that photo. Can you imagine arguing with the creator of such complex beauty and life force? Arguing with whatever glorious energy thought through and manifested the sheer complexity of a seed bursting into flower, with pollen to attract and then feed the birds and the bees, to explode into life?
Journey to Feel 30 – Expanded appreciation
Open hearted gratitude is the single greatest power for positive change and appreciation is what we practice to get there. Today’s meditation is about experiencing the power and beauty and deep feeling of appreciating everything your horse IS – appreciating EVERYTHING about them – with a big expansion into a new level of Lightness of Spirit.
Journey to Feel 31 – take that expansive appreciation out to your horse
Expansive gratitude is right up there as one the most beautiful of feelings. The problem is we can’t MAKE ourselves feel gratitude and it has a yucky feel if we try. However, the habit of noticing what there is to appreciate and soaking it up, that we’ve been deliberately cultivating throughout this program, makes the expansive gratitude feeling more likely to just appear.
In the meantime, each act of choosing and then feeling appreciation brings even more wonderful things into our lives to feel appreciative about.
Today we’re taking the meditation out to our horse, using their presence to develop these feelings of appreciation further and anchor them deeply into our being.
Journey to Feel 32 – Making feeling delicious your new normal
Today’s task is simple and yet incredibly far reaching. Before you do anything at all with your horse this morning, take yourself into that place of Inner Awareness and allow that feeling of appreciation of everything that your horse IS, to flow. Soak it up and enjoy it for a moment and THEN feed out, do their feet, rug them, muck out their stable, ride – whatever you are doing with them today.
Journey to Feel 33 – Celebrating!
Today is both an opportunity for reflection and a celebration of whatever steps we’ve taken towards a Quieter Mind. We all came to this Journey to Feel form different places, with different skills and are all on our own personal horsemanship journey that I am hoping has been made more peaceful and fulfilling for both you and your horse.
To go back to what I talked about in the beginning of this – just imagine what it would be like to have so many students with Feel? Just imagine the difference we could make and not just in the horse world either?
I’ve got all kinds of ideas spinning around in my head if you’re interested in hearing them, email me.
- If it worked out possible, I would LOVE to do a private session with you to show you how fast I can help someone make those breakthroughs into conscious Feel. Maybe you might prefer it be someone you know who’s struggling – and you observe live to show you what we do with this method? I get that YOU don’t need a session on Feel, but maybe you have an ache or a pain or a horse who’s prompting you to go deeper? I laughed a little again – if we don’t have a horse that’s prompting us to go deeper right now, you can just about guarantee that they’re coming! Either way, I’d LOVE to show you how it works and what the royal we of the horses and I can do together.
- I’ve put a series of links at the end here, for all the lessons of the program I call Journey to Feel – which is the small foundation program of our work here, so you can get an idea of how I go about it. (This is for your use only.)
- I also run Live Events where I work with people individually – lots of people need a bit of a hand to feel the subtleties in the beginning and I have a talent for being able to bring that to their attention. And I’m very good at helping them release / understand / get rid of the things that block their ability to Feel for their horse. Maybe you’d enjoy to host one of those Live Events specifically for your students?
- I also did a teaching video with a terrified wild horse that explains the different ways that people experience Feel, although everyone feels theirs with a unique mixture of those feels. If you’d like to see that video, you’ll find it here.
- Just so you know and before I give you all the links to all the lesson of Journey to Feel, there are two other programs that I have, that come at teaching Feel from different directions:
- There’s Fast Track to Brilliant Riding for people who need a more active approach. It steps them through the routine of their horse – systematically unfolding their own Feel and the same time helping their horse to find a calmness and confidence in every aspect of their lives. You can’t see my eye roll happening, but one of my favorite sayings is that “the tension your horse feels when he’s rugged, or picks his feet up, the tension he suppressed from when he was haltered for the first time or bridled or saddled, or the shock they got when someone whacked him to go forwards before he was ready – all this tension doesn’t suddenly disappear when you put your foot in the stirrup.” So in this program, we systematically clean all that up while unfolding their Feel.
- Then there’s the Ease and Grace program, which is a full on clinic at home with their horse and at the same time a mentoring program for the people who need their hand held a lot more or if they’re in a hurry.