I have a dream… I have a dream that vast numbers of people will know what brings them happiness, know how to find it, how to help other people find it and how to help their horses, dogs, cats, snakes, birds and even the wild animals find it.
We’re going to change the world with this dream.
And I’m inviting you to be part of this Living Happiness Story.
By the way… These gorgeous photos were taken by Marie Richards Photography from New Zealand.
What happened to us?
Somehow we humans lost our way. Look around the world and see just how far we have lost our way – look at the wars and conflict, people doing awful things to one another, doing careless things, even awful things to children and to animals, to the environment, damaging Mother Earth herself. From food to nuclear weapons, far too often, we humans use our amazing brains to manufacture either useless junk or things that do harm.
How did this happen and more importantly how can we realistically do anything about it?
How did we take this beautiful and bountiful earth and our magnificent bodies that are filled with the magic of creation and the most amazing capacity to heal and our magnificent minds that can achieve just about anything if we put our minds to it – how did we have all this and f… it up?
We’re in a time of such beautiful change and opportunity
I’m not trying to scare you, not in the slightest. I know all the way to my bones that we are in a time of such beautiful change – a time of opportunity to re-think and have what we TRULY want. And that’s why we’ve been feeling so crappy – our instinct has been screaming at us about the opportunities and most of us haven’t known what to do or how to go about it.
Animals can help us find the answers.
Animals can help us find our way again.
That beautiful horse, that fiercely independent and yet incredibly giving cat, that loyal dog with the beautiful eyes looking up at you so soulfully, the rat that is so misunderstood by most and yet so intelligent, the lizard, the snake, the bird, the dolphin, the whale – all these sentient beings – thinking / feeling / creating beings – can help us humans find our way again to a world that IS what we want – to our own individual life that IS what we want.
And it’s not too late.
But how? How can one person? How can I? How can you? How can each one of us make the kind of difference that is needed? How can I change the crappy things that are happening to me and to others?
I’m so glad you asked… 🙂
We’ll start talking about the HOW tomorrow and how we’re going to achieve this in a whole new financial way of being that I suspect is going to knock your socks off.
Woohoooo… sounds totally fab, Jenny!
Our Mother Earth is hurting all over, and her animals have been waiting and trying their best for us to listen to them, to show us their love…
… and I don’t much like the socks I’ve been wearing, so feel free to knock them right off my feet ??
Thank you for the invitation!
Xxoo C/
Lovely laughter here Cos!
Love it Jenny. Always like thinking you and I. Will most definitely look forward to your dream coming true xxx
Thanks Virginia!
I am here! 🙂
I wish . . .wish . . . wish . . . Always wishing and hoping that goodness will prevail 🙂
It already has… 🙂
I am with you
I’m sick of feeling this way l do in this world
Much love to you
And bless you for all you do
And Mother Earth
Gratitude to you being in my life xx
Thanks Kerrie that’s sweet. 🙂 That’s the heading of one of the emails I’m planning to send. “Are you sick of it yet?”
Happy World Turnaround Tour – I like that, Michelle. I accept too, Jenny.
Lovely Jan – the animal world has been waiting for this one. 🙂
It’s a fabulous dream Jen….one ready to be real-ized. I believe I am living it now, in part at least, in a time of a deep surrender with my elder-parents and all those special beings involved in their care. Love is all around us, even in times of adversity, perhaps especially then. Love to all… and let us awaken now, to heal our world 🙂
‘…And I’m inviting you to be part of this Living Happiness Story.’ And I accept, Jenny. I feel there is a vibrant energy pushing this dream of yours — now our dream too. Oh, and in this Master number 11 year! Excitement. Love and light xo
” Now our dream too.” That made me cry with happiness Jen! Those who don’t know me yet, will soon learn that strong women cry easily!
I am so WITH you on this Happy World Turnaround Tour! That’s the name my mind just gave it as my first step to helping create it! You go, Girl! I’m listening
Woohoo Michelle! I love the energy of that name!
Love that title too- powerful!