If Dawn and her little wild horses inspired you with the bubbling with happiness that they achieved in under an hour as she was learning how to be really good with horses, then you are going to LOOOVVVE our new program Journey to Feel. This is going to transport you off the couch and into the one thing that means more to your horse than anything else – being able to listen to them.
By the time you’re out of lockdown and back on your horse, you’ll have made progress with your horse every day – even if you haven’t been able to see them.
And if Dawn and Joe haven’t inspired you, then you mustn’t have seen the video yet lol! I’ll put a link to Key to the Kingdom of Horses video that features them, at the bottom of the page.
And THIS program CAN’T sit wasted in your inbox, because it comes with tech that I’ve been looking for for ages and am just about dancing with excitement about.
You can find more info here – or grab it now. Difficult times require imaginative solutions. YOU get to pick the price you can afford. Click on the little arrow next to Option 2 and select your price from the drop down menu, with love from me.
You can catch Key to the Kingdom of Horses here.
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