Here’s four videos to help you get the idea of this advanced feel for your horse. So that we don’t make the page take too long to load, I’ll put three of the videos as Youtube links – two before the video of Steve and Oliver and one after.
The technique
To advance your feel, try the simulations in all FOUR of these videos – first with a human and then with your horse. Wait for as long as it takes, feel into your body for the good posture that you learned about in your early Fast Track lessons and just wait for the connection to feel reciprocal.
If you’re very early into your Fast Track lessons, don’t worry if it doesn’t happen straight away – email me if you have on-going problems with it though.
Click here for another excellent simulation on advanced feel.
Important note: If you wanted to try this the same way as Steve, I’d like you to have both ends of the rope in your hands, so that if you dropped either or both ends, it would just fall off your horse.
The Lesson
What does it take to have a horse WANT to connect with you like Kristina and Sue did with me in the simulations?
Well I’ll tell you what makes that kind of connection IMpossible – fear and the tension caused by it, is the biggest blockage to a deep connection in the simulations with Kristina and I and then Sue and I.
Don’t worry if this kind of feel isn’t instant for you – I am showing you where you’re going and what’s possible as you improve your posture and your ability to feel inside yourself. Your Fast Track lessons will be systematically helping you to develop better and better feel.
Pushing and pulling on our horse would be the next thing that stops that kind of connection. We all do it on occasions – it’s just that we need to know that if we DO pull or push on them, then it IS going to cost us in terms of the magic of the dance that is possible between horse and human.
The Forum
As usual, all the best questions and discussion will happen on the forum. Please note that there is a box you can tick that will keep you logged in with your User Name and Password for the forum, email me if you’ve lost your User Name and password.
Then the Password for Oliver’s Diary is … spirit
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