The subject of complaining, whinging and whining makes me roll my eyes and laugh at myself. Ask my family – I was sooo… often stuck in complaining. But here’s the thing – we attract into our lives whatever it is that we are focusing on – like attracts like. And that can be conscious or unconscious. (That’s a very big deal right there folks – the attraction of like to like can be conscious OR unconscious.)
It’s a stuckness – sitting in feeling crappy for too long by constantly complaining about something, means that we’ll be attracting more things to feel crappy about.
So if we’re moaning and groaning about something for too much longer than it takes to figure out what we’re feeling and why we’re feeling it, then the energy of that complaining means that we’ll end up attracting more things to moan and groan about.
Remember, we’re about joyfully creating something new or changing what we care about.
To be attracting the stuff we want and to be peaceful, happy, curious excited and / or joyful on the journey, then we have to get to the bottom of why we are complaining. We have to understand why we are feeling crappy about whatever this is, so that the complaining is genuinely gone.
Curiosity – is that true or not? Is it true or not that complaining for too long means we’re risking attracting more of what we’re complaining about?
If we notice ourselves complaining, will simple curiosity about that bring the solution?
Photo: the flower attracts the bee and the bee pollinates the flower and creates fruitfulness and it all happens sweetly and easily with flowwww…. 🙂 We’re looking for the same kind of flowwww… in our own creating something new and changing the things that we care enough to complain about.