Understanding difficult relationships (gosh that’s SUCH an understatement for some of our relationships hey?) – understanding difficult relationships starts with a willingness to understand them.
I laughed when I re-read those words. That’s a derrr… isn’t it? “Understanding difficult relationships starts with OUR willingness to understand them. And I sooo… get that some relationships are so toxic that we don’t even want to even think about understanding them.
Is it true that OUR OWN happiness depends on that understanding?
If you feel upset at or crappy about someone, then it’s OUR inner guidance system at work and what WE care about that’s at stake.
I can promise you if there’s pain there now, then you haven’t got the answer yet. Because there is NEVER any pain in the answer – only the relief that comes from an expanded understanding of ourselves and the other person and how this situation fits with the big picture of what we are creating.
If you still feel resistance to the idea of understanding a seriously difficult relationship (feel the hug – I sooo… understand that), then maybe you could just WISH that you were willing to understand it. Ask me to tell you a story of how powerful that was for me on a Live Event one day.
This photo of Bruno having a wonderful life was taken by my very dear friend Enza.