The future of our world depends on our willingness to understand difficult relationships.
And OUR OWN life is transformed by understanding difficult relationships.
Oh you’re wondering if those two things are an exaggeration? I look forward to smiling with you about THAT in a live event one day lol!
Our ability to understand and solve difficult relationship brings a whole new ease in terms of our ability to flow through all those subsequent change places more easily – that’s why I call it a life transformation. That’s the same changes that have to happen in order for US to change what WE care most about and for US to create something better and enjoy the process. That’s the same changes that bring us an ability to align with the power of the universe so vast, that our ability to create something better is limitless.
That’s the same changes that make it possible to look around the world at all the things that scare us and upset us and worry us – and to play our part in changing things for the better.
And it starts with our natural connection to others and our willingness to understand them, no matter how difficult they are.
While you’re reading, slow down and read the following words slowly and thoughtfully.
Pay gentle attention to your OUTWARD breath for a few breaths.
That’s it… feel me smiling, reading sloooowwww…. and at the same time notice the way that the lower part of your ribs move on that outward breath – the way that the ribs just kind of squash the air from your lungs. And you’re not doing that on purpose, you’re just smiling a little bit and noticing for a breath…
… and another breath…
… and another breath…
Still with your gentle attention on your outward breath, notice what changes on the inside of you when you smile with your eyes just a little. Ahhh even after all these exercises, you can still feel the ease of the smile hey? Just notice the effect of that smileyness for a breath.
… and another breath…
… and another breath…
With our attention still gently on our breath, here inside us is that beautiful place of awareness that we’re getting more familiar with – where we can find a curiosity and an openness and a willingness to understand ourselves and others, where each of us is coming from, what we believe in, whether what we believe in is true or not, what’s limiting us and where yo can FEEL your version of the soft smileyness of that conscious WILLINGNESS to understand this person, that will transform your life as well as theirs.
And another outward breath
And another.
Whether the understanding flows now.
Or later, doesn’t matter.
Knowing that we’ve set the process of understanding this other person in motion and that the understanding will come when the time is perfect and the gifts this will bring to your own life are perfect too.
Ahhhh and smiling for just another breath…
… and another breath…
… and another breath…
You can do your version of this exercise every time something comes up about this difficult relationship, or if it’s too big to face by yourself or you’re in a hurry, come join one of our Live Events and put your hand up. 🙂
This photo was taken by my dear friend Dianne Leitch. Dogs and cats can have crappy relationships or they can have gorgeous ones like these two who live in understanding and harmony. I don’t think I need to explain why I chose this photo do I?