Coming at the anger thing from another direction. In the past I learned and described the message of anger as being about boundaries. That definition of the message of anger has always not felt not quite right, so I meditated on it for guidance and came up with “it’s about caring”.
And that led me to a cascade of insights that is responsible for my happy dance about our ability to change our world for the better.
Seeā¦ we’ve made anger wrong. It’s not surprising that I personally should make anger wrong, since it was the cause of so much violence in my childhood. When we look around us, we see that extreme pattern of anger leading to mental emotional and physical violence, repeated over and over again. So it’s no wonder that I made it wrong.
We talked about it already – this destructive kind of stuck anger isn’t really anger at all. It’s layer upon layer of stuck and intensified other feelings like fear, envy, frustration, grief and guilt – all magnified. And all of these feelings were guiding us to change what we most care about and enabling us to create something better.
When we allow ourselves to see what’s really behind this yucky feeling, destructive kind of anger – and whose feelings they really are – then we can find the pure roaring strength for change of the Heart Anger.
Pure anger that runs through the heart – Heart Anger – is literally a divine inspiration that drives the creative power of the universe that is within us and around us, enabling us to change that which we most care about and enabling us to create something new.
I said way back when I was talking about impatience, “if we look around our world, god knows we could use a better faster way right now.” This Heart Anger thing puts a turbocharge underneath creating and changing what we care about!
So, in a practical day to day way, how do we get from the destructive kind of anger of all those intensified feelings, to the Heart Anger of pure creation?
The answer to that is coming up – picture me happy dancing here!
Our photo of her oh so wise horse was sent to me by Camille Dareau – a beautiful horsewoman of Soul Herd – a magazine / online community for horse guardians where they share, discover and discuss all areas of holistic and spiritual horsemanship.
The words on the picture “Holy shit is that true? Can the old paradigm of anger leading to mental, emotional and physical aggression and violence really become a non event?