I wrote earlier that our happiness and our world depends on how we understand and resolve difficult relationships. And even with everything horrible that’s happening – maybe because of everything horrible that’s happening – the possibilities for change are … I’m struggling for the perfect word to describe something so wonderful coming from such horribleness. And I look forward to smiling with you about all of that at a live event one day!
Marianne Williamson – the spiritual leader who wrote A Course in Miracles and stood for US President twice – was answering a young woman’s question about a difficult relationship at a lecture that I went to a while back. Marianne’s answer was “Pray for his happiness. Pray for his happiness for two minutes a day, building up to five minutes a day, every day for 30 days. At the end of thirty days, either he will have changed his behavior or you won’t care”.
We’ve been told “forever” that we can’t change anyone else, we can only change ourselves, but that’s not true.
Miracles like “he will have changed his behavior” is precisely the kind of influence I’ve seen us have with this work, over and over again. It’s the kind of power that we have to change the world around us that I’ve been talking about when we’re conscious of our connection to others and we use our inner guidance system. It’s an extraordinary ability to influence others by working completely on ourselves, that has no judgement or blame and is without any force or make.
It’s BEing the change that we want to see in the world. (Ghandi)
It’s OUR unconditional love in action.
And its influence is astronomical.
If praying isn’t your thing, look for the next page where we have another version of the same astronomical influence.
This photo is the legendary Paleface – a wild brumby stallion who died in the apocalyptic fires of 2019/2020. Photo by Michelle J Photography. It’s from one of our Horse Wisdom messages about grace. “Grace. To experience deep connection with a horse – now THAT is a direct connection to heaven.”
The same “direct connection to heaven” applies to a soul level understanding of anyone or anything else, especially in difficult circumstances – grace indeed.