I’ve seen people change other people’s behavior with this work on ourselves, over and over again. It’s the kind of power that we have to change the world around us that I’ve been talking about when we’re conscious of our connection to others and we use our inner guidance system. It’s an extraordinary ability to influence others by working completely on ourselves, that has no judgement or blame and is without any force or make.
As I said before, it’s Ghandi’s BEing the change that we want to see in the world.
It’s our unconditional love in action.
And its influence is astronomical.
“I wish you Happiness” for 30 seconds a day will achieve the same objective as Marianne’s praying from the previous page. While we’re “wishing them happiness”, we notice, observe and be curious about any feelings that come up in US, to expand our knowing thread by thread.
We can “I wish you happiness” for loved ones that we’re worried about or difficult relationships or someone we feel sorry for – anyone that we find ourselves with feelings about.
Each day that you do your “I wish you Happiness” with awareness and curiosity around all your own feelings, it will bring you closer and closer to consciously knowing your own soul and the soul of the other – to understanding the traumas that established their reactions, the neural pathways in their brain, to understanding any of our own beliefs and attitudes that have been getting in the way, to understanding our own limiting beliefs on the power that we have over this situation which is bound to be so much greater than you think.
Layer by layer, we’ll be aligned with the holyshitisthatreallytrue power of the universe that is within us and around us, with complete knowing and genuine unconditional love.
At some point during that 30 days either they will have changed their behavior or circumstances or you’ll be feeling inner peace anyway. Mannn I’ve seen some amazing stuff happen with this!
Today’s glorious photo of a wild cockatoo was captured by my cherished sister Kris Mitchell in New South Wales.