Just like the other ways of Feeling, it’s not the flat, stagnant or pent up explosive feeling that’s the problem – that’s all just a message. Can you feel me smiling here as I make this point again and again? It’s only being STUCK in those feelings that’s a problem. The feelings themselves are just a message about something you need to know or do, in relation to what you’re creating or what you care about.
Again, it’s the STUCKNESS in the blocked, flat, stagnant, or pent up explosive energy that slows us down from creating what we want, it’s the STUCKNESS that slows us down from changing what it is that we most care about.
Just like all the other ways of feeling, Energy Feel has it’s subtle guidance and it’s overwhelm. And just like the other ways of feeling, you can get relief from that overwhelm at the speed of a “pffft” (that’s the sound of something disappearing), as soon as you get the message.
Now I’m really laughing out loud. I know I’ve repeated myself. I meant to. And I know if you’ve been experiencing the downside of blocked Energy Feel that you’re probably questioning me “holyshitcouldthatevenbetrue?”
We do this understanding and releasing a lot in our live events – even the “pfft” thing (I’m still smiling), so join us and experience how it works for yourself. Click here will take you to a webpage with details for the next free live event.