For those of us who don’t have Heart Feel as a strong natural talent (and I certainly didn’t) then judging others or even ourselves in a way that evaluates what’s going on, is a useful thing to do. It’s when we’re unaware of, or unwilling to look for what’s REALLY going on behind what we’re looking at and when we’re STUCK in judgement and then blame – that’s when it starts getting in the way of us creating what we want and what we care about.
The Law of Attraction says we attract what we focus on, so what do you reckon, do we really want to be attracting that “stuck in judgement and blame without understanding” to OURSELVES?
Today’s photo: Those rolling eyes in the photo above, snapped by Marie Richards Photography in New Zealand – we’re always evaluating what we see and feel. Is he afraid? Angry? Playful? When we can see the big picture in the photo below, we can see that he’s playing. Wouldn’t it be lovely if it was always this simple to see the Big Picture in others?