I “see” with my Mental Feel 🙂 that vast amounts of trouble in the world comes from people not understanding others’ uniqueness – that we all feel differently, process things differently, are creating differently, even when there’s a common good to be created. Here’s the thing…
When we hear someone talking about “too soft do gooders always making excuses for bad behavior”, we’re actually hearing someone who doesn’t understand the gobsmacking power for change that is inherent in the strength of someone with their Heart Feel in balance.
When we hear someone talk about the heartlessness of someone who’s very analytical, they probably haven’t understood the force of nature that these people can be when their strength in Mental Feel is in balance and they’re solving problems creatively.
When we hear someone talking about “this person is so weird”, they simply haven’t understood that for some people, vast amounts of their experience of their Energy Feel is both unseen and difficult to put into words and that their contribution to a better world can be just as grounded and practical as any other other ways of feeling.
When we hear someone say someone else is “too sensitive or over emotional” they simply haven’t understood the power and force for positive change that is Emotional Feel in balance.
When we hear criticism of someone who “just can’t sit still”, “They’re always on the move, they’ve always got to be doing something”, the criticizer hasn’t understood that movement is a way for people with strong Physical Feel to understand and influence the world around them. When someone looks askance at another who has a myriad of aches and pains that aren’t necessarily visible from the outside and may or may not have a medical explanation, then they simply haven’t understood how Physical Feel works.
And Physical Feel people often don’t understand that other people aren’t like them either.
I’ve talked about these ways of feeling as if they’re separate feelings, but that was just to bring them to your attention, so that we can understand others more easily.
We all experience our own utterly unique, swirling mixture of all five ways of Feeling, all at the same time, that is our own Inner Guidance system at work.
Can you see how understanding and celebrating each others’ differences has the potential to dramatically change misunderstandings and conflict? If you can’t see it yet, then stay tuned, because between the rest of the book and the recorded and live events, I can just about guarantee you will.
This photo is from our Horse Wisdom Messages, with the photo from Michelle J Photography. This one says “Celebrate our differences. Of course we feel like we are “not enough” if we’re trying to copy someone else – not good enough, not knowledgeable enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, not lovable enough – you name it, the “not enoughnesses” are almost infinite when we’re copying someone else. Because we can’t ever be them – we’re not them, we’re US. I’m ME.
And… I… am… magnificent…
Up next are some more physical things to lift our vitality and feel good, before we head into the “change THE world by changing OUR world” stuff.