If you want to know what I think of that old saying “The truth hurts”, then yes, it’s outrageous crap. I have worked with, it must be thousands of people by now, some of whom have done terrible things, some on the receiving end of terrible things and never have I found anyone that was hurt by the truth that they were guided to by their feelings.
Not one.
There’s a simplicity in those Magic Questions. We can’t kid ourselves about the answer because the right answer to the questions always feels good. That’s how we know we’ve found the whole answer – because it feels so good.
And I mean noticeably good. Not just neutral, or better than the ‘feeling terrible’ that came before it – but good. That’s why the third question exists “Has it all gone yet?”
Gosh I see it all the time. If you think you know what’s going on and you think you know why you’re feeling crappy and you still feel crappy, then you either haven’t got the right answer or you haven’t got the whole answer yet.
Are you curious if what I’ve just said is true or not?
Can you see that if that’s true, that if you still feel crappy you simply haven’t found the right answer to the Magic Questions yet, that this opens up vast opportunities for happiness?
Are you curious to know if that’s true or not?
Our live events are always there if you’re in a hurry to find out for yourself.
Today’s photo makes me smile. I was lining up a photo with a foal on either side with the mare and foal in the background, when just as the shutter dropped the third foal popped his little head up smack in the center and gave me what I called the shot of a lifetime.