The word “key” is bandied around pretty much meaninglessly these days. I’m using this word today to describe our ability to unlock something incredibly special, just like turning a key – “snick” as the lock clicks open.
Some of you will have an AUTOMATIC affinity to flowing unconditional love to others and that’s because you already experience an openness to understand others and a willingness to see what’s really going on behind another’s problem or behavior – and that makes it easy for you.
However, most of you (like me) will have had some of that openness and willingness blocked by life experiences. The beautiful thing is, that we get to CHOOSE whether we want to be open to understanding ourselves and others and whether we’re willing to see what’s really going on behind a problem or behavior. Let’s explore a little with this awareness exercise starting with OPENNESS and choosing what we’d like to do about it shall we?
Just like before, you can practice this right now while you’re reading.
While you’re reading, slow down and read the following words slowly and deliberately.
Pay gentle attention to your OUTWARD breath for a few breaths.
That’s it… feel me smiling, you know the drill by now… reading sloooowwww…. and at the same time notice the way that the lower part of your ribs move on that outward breath – the way that the ribs just kind of squash the air from your lungs. And you’re not doing that on purpose, you’re just smiling a little bit and noticing for one breath…
… and another breath…
… and another breath…
Still with your gentle attention on your outward breath, notice what changes on the inside of you when you smile with your eyes just a little. Ahhh even after four exercises like this, you can still feel the ease of the smile hey? Just notice the effect of that smileyness for a breath.
… and another breath…
… and another breath…
Here inside us is a place of awareness where we can choose and find an openness and a willingness to understand ourselves and others, that transforms the way that we experience life.
- Where we can understand whether any anguish or hopelessness or despair that we may experience is actually ours or whether it’s an experience of our connection to others.
- Where we can figure out whether there’s something to know or do for ourselves.
- Or whether there’s something to know or understand or do for or about someone else.
- Where if the answer or the understanding doesn’t flow straight into our mind, we can practice the smiley curiosity about how this and ALL our other feelings might be guiding us about ourselves and others…
Whether the understanding of that guidance flows now.
Or later, doesn’t matter.
Knowing that the answer or the understanding or the guidance will come when the time is perfect.
Ahhhh and smiling for just another breath…
… and another breath…
… and another breath…
You might also find a different way of moving after doing this little exercise a few times. Have a wriggle and a stretch and a walk around the room, feeling the way that your feet are flexing on the floor or the ground as you walk. Don’t be surprised at cracking and crunching noises as joints come back into place.
By this fifth exercise, you’re probably already finding it a little easier to find the smiley feeling which is such an important part of eventually being able to flow with your inner guidance in the moment and figure out your Truths for yourself. Don’t be shy though, bring any questions you have into one of our Live Events.- I’ve put a link to info about the free ones – what and when they’re happening – here
Today’s photo: Now THERE is unconditional love in action. This photo of her dog Beau, who is a natural caretaker for the calves and other animals on her farm, was taken by Avis Falcinella from Perth in Western Australia.