How was that last exercise? Did you notice anything around “openness to understanding yourself and others” afterwards?
Remember, there is no being “wrong” about this. Those of us who don’t feel that openness automatically, have simply been blocked by life experiences. To make ourselves wrong is as ridiculous as blaming ourselves for being born. If we are inspired by the possibility of transforming struggle to ease and inspired by what unconditional love can achieve, then we can just choose to be open to understanding ourselves and others – or not – in any given moment.
Just sit with that for a bit, ‘cos it’s big. “If we – you and me – are inspired by the possibility of transforming struggle to ease, if we are inspired by what unconditional love can achieve, then we can just choose to be open to understanding ourselves and others – or not – in any given moment.”
The more we see how each understanding makes things easier, the easier it gets to make that choice next time, until we can be open to understanding even the difficult things and the difficult people – when the time is perfect.
“Snick” that’s the sound of a key unlocking our joy.
Today’s photo is pure joy hey? It’s one of Larissa Judd’s pups. Roxy is now with Sally Sandy – all grown up and working as a therapy dog with kids, visiting residential units for out of home adolescents, working towards aged Care facilities with dementia patients and accreditation to work in hospitals.