If you’ve experienced anguish – the overwhelm of Heart Feel – and in that feeling of powerlessness, you’ve slipped into despair, then understanding the truth of relevant and irrelevant feelings for YOURself, will be life changing.
Just like relevant and irrelevant overwhelming emotions, just like relevant and irrelevant overwhelming physical feelings of pain and discomfort and illness, just like relevant and irrelevant overwhelming worries, just like relevant and irrelevant overwhelming and flat, stagnant or even explosive energy, the overwhelming feelings of your Heart Feel in action – the old, buried feelings of anguish and the despair, will have both relevant and irrelevant aspects.
Holyshit hey?
Thus, the same relaxing into observing it, being curious about it, open to the idea that the anguish and despair may not even be ours – is enough for the IRrelevant stuff to just disappear…
pfft! pffft! pffft!
And when we’re in that relaxed way of being, then the RELEVANT messages of the anguish and despair will just flow – now or later – in whatever way is perfect for us in THIS moment.
If anguish and despair have been part of your life, you might like to pause, right now. Smile a little if you can and ask yourself is that really true?
Can you imagine the EASE with which you can allow your Heart Feel to flow, if that was really true?
Photo: I’ve enjoyed bringing you these pictures of Larissa Judd’s beautiful therapy dogs.