We’ve been taught that impatience was a bad thing, hey?
Right at the beginning of this book is the time to turn this old saying on its head, because it’s getting in the way of our ability to change things really fast.
The message of impatience is simply that there is a better, faster way and if we allow ourselves to look around our world, god knows, we could really use a better faster way right now. The good news is that it’s at our fingertips, right there in your own mind every time you’re feeling impatient.
The only thing wrong with impatience is getting stuck in it and projecting the frustration of that yucky stuckness feeling outwards onto anyone or anything else. Making it about someone or something else is what has us going around and around in a yucky feeling loop – resisting and struggling. That means we’re not finding the better faster way for us, in our unique situation.
I’m going to be asking you if you can find the feeling of curiosity about all kinds of different things – all of them potentially life changing – and by the time I’ve finished with you, all these things will take a lot less than 30 seconds to change your life. This impatience thing is one of them.
Are you curious to know if this is true or not? Is impatience really the inside of us telling the conscious part of us that there is a better faster way?
I mean… are you really curious about the value of impatience?
This photo: It used to be that to capture a photo such as this one by the very talented Michelle Brannan, it took extraordinary patience. Somebody though, got impatient and created a better way – an automatic and fast click click click setting on a camera. I wonder where our own wonderful impatience will lead us? You’ll find Michelle and Finding Grace Photography on Facebook and in Perth, Western Australia.