Almost every time I hear someone use the word “trust”, it’s in the context of encouraging someone to ignore their fear and that is sooo…. not OK. (And that is one of my classic Aussie understatements).
Ignoring fear is a recipe for stress and maybe even danger. Fear at its heart is meant to be listened to, understood and taken action on.
When people talk about trust – “trust me, trust in the process, you should trust people more, trust yourself – they are talking about ignoring your inner guidance system. That’s the same guidance system that is not only keeping you safe, it’s guiding you to all the good things in life.
Real trust is a confidence that is so deep in our bones that the word trust would rarely occur to you to even use…
Like the bunny in the photo above, who is sleeping so deeply and so relaxed that I had to look twice, real trust in his little canine friend (pictured below) is so deep and so automatic that I doubt he has to think “Gee, I should trust this dog.” And I doubt that his person said “Hey bunny – you should trust this dog”. He either felt confident and safe with the dog or he didn’t … and if he didn’t feel safe, then there would be something for him to know or do about it.
Photos captured by Katy from Queanbeyan – hearts captured by Roughy the rabbit and Whisky the Scottie dog.