How often have we wished for an instruction manual for life, loving, raising kids (specially for raising kids!), also for dealing with difficult people and conflicting resources, how to bring our values and ethics into the workplace and do our work well without feeling stressed? Last but not least, how can “little old me” influence the big – even scarey – things that are going on in the world around me?
We do have an instruction manual. I suspect it’s not the kind that you’re used to thinking about though.
Once we understand it, this instruction manual makes it possible to navigate our way through life and to joyfully create change with those things that you’ve identified that you care about.
This instruction manual enables you to play big and bring your gifts to the world around you if that’s your desire and it guides you through the smaller everyday things that are so important to our every day happiness.
This instruction manual is your Inner Guidance system and in these next pages, we’ll be talking about how it works and when we’ve done that, we’ll be leading you through experiencing the sheer wonder of it.
Pause for a moment and allow yourself to wonder about the words in the picture “Could that really be true? Is there really an instruction manual that makes life so much easier?”
Photo credit: the quirky eye of Marie Richards Photography from New Zealand.

And hey… I’m just checking in. Are you pausing when I suggest it, getting curious about whether something’s possible, wondering whether something is really true or not as I ask the question? Your success with this book depends on these simple pauses and wonderings and specially the curiosities that are the key to your ability to change your life in under 30 seconds.